Watcher's Keep accessible from SOA?

I'm playing already BG2:EE:TOB right now, so I can access Watcher's Keep, but I've read in a few places that it could be accessible from SOA as well. I've just loaded a few old saves, and WK doesn't show on my map. Is this a glitch/bug?
I know it doesn't matter right now, but I plan multiple re-runs, and it would be nice to have access to some of the loot quicker.
I know it doesn't matter right now, but I plan multiple re-runs, and it would be nice to have access to some of the loot quicker.
Post edited by M0tan on
I think it was talking to Neera that caused it because when I reloaded that particular game before meeting her, it was there. And then visited the area quickly before talking to her and it stayed put.
Never had the problem since though, just that once.
I don't have any mods, and didn't have any at the time of going through SOA. My SOA run was last year, now I've just continued the save from TOB. But I remember that it wasn't there last year, and neither is now if I load any of my old saves.
I do have Neera in my party (always had here since BG1). I have to see if I have any save from the beginning of SOA, before Neera, and check the map.
I'll keep this updated.
But if nobody else has this problem, then it might be a bug. This thread made me look through my old saves to see if I can reach WK from SOA.
I probably should raise this as a bug somewhere.
Apparently it's been a big thing at one point in the past.
I just hope my next play through will be fine. If not, I'll have to use the console: CLUAConsole:MoveToArea("AR3000")