Viconia - Underdark banter

I always wondered, why Viconia doesn't make any comment about the Underdark when you take her with you into the Underdark. I would like to see some interaction implemented.
Sure I'd like more dialogue for all characters, especially Imoen, but Viconia has a fair share for the underdark.
Oh and she is trying to reason with the drow guards, but says they won't listen to reason.
And Viconia will be relieved if you don't spend a night with Phaere and will give a short remark, if you beat phaere and her mother with the fake egg.
Yeah, they were saying, they are unable to change existing material, but I have no clue what is implied, since they often mentioned voice-acting. So I just hope they either expand the dialogue, because of some change in their contract, or they do it like Gaider did it with ascension, releasing the improvements as a mod.
And they should say, once for all, what is possible with expanding banters and party interaction.
New dialogue in the old main campaign: not possible.
New dialogue in the new adventures: possible.
Oh yes, Phaere. Good times, I remember that part of the game. Despite my disgusting, worthless Drow-morph hide, I proved useful to the sadistic bitch and grew to be worthy of her bed. But I hesitated and I said "Whoa lady, can't I get to know you first? You've got a nice rack but Jesus Christ All Mighty, I want to love you for what's inside."
Then she said "Fool, you WILL get naked or you will die."
Then I said "Get on top honey."
Well no I slyfully talked my way out of it by telling her that I was Viconia's BF and had crabs. Hell yeah son. Viconia was so impressed I resisted her lingerie-clad ebony legs and jewel-encrusted nipples that she had her way with me right there.
Caution: Don't read this unless you're 18 or more years of age.
Don't worry I changed it to 18+ for you oldies. Actually I'm 17 so something is very wrong with this arrangement.
There is no LOL button so I gave an Insightful instead.
Are you saying I could of made violent, passionate love to the long haired, skin flaying dream boat extremist feminist of a Drow AND made babies with Viconia?
Why did nobody tell me I could engage in sexy time with Phaere and still be Viconia's hubby? Now I am sad. I vote they make an extra option where Viconia joins in. THREEWAY FTW.
EDIT: O YA, polyamory.
(sorry for the double post!)
Does that mean that, for instance, inter-party banter (even between two original characters) that isn't plot-related is permitted?
Because up until now I assumed that that was off-limits as well.
Can you say LOOPHOLE?
New banter in the new areas for the win. Once you arrive in a new area they will start wanting to chat.
So, for little break....
hihihi and my favorite...
Look at her thighs. She does yoga I know it nobody has thighs like that without doing yoga. Damn I hope my future wife goes white haired early instead of making me wait until I'm 64 (ha that was an Ascension joke).
Where did you find that artwork? Probably not official. The second one doesn't do it for me man.
I was upset when Viconia told me she found that merchant's caravan and slept with him. Objectifying my baby! My poor woman.
See what I found HELL YEAH!