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Portraits for Jaheira and Khalid. Help me decide!

I have finally got around to a brand new full saga playthrough of Baldur's Gate (not that I ever really stopped playing BG since I've been playing in a RP'ing multiplayer game with forumites most weeks for almost a year now!), and now that I'm not playing blind anymore, I can actually plan ahead a bit!

I have been really struggling to make my mind up on portraits for Jaheira and Khalid, and so I've decided to ask for your help to make a decision!

The original BG and BG 2 artwork has really grown on me, although I am still not a fan of the "action/expressive" portraits of BG1, or Jaheria's BG 2 portrait. So in thinking about alternatives, I am considering the following factors...

1) Quality of artwork.
2) Does the picture capture the spirit of the character?
3) Does the picture fit in with the general style of other portraits? (For example I really like Artastrophe's portraits, but they do have a very distinct style, so I feel it has to be "all or nothing" in terms of using those portraits.)

To help with 3) here are the portraits I have already chosen for other core party members...

imageCharname by Isandir
imageKivan (default)
imageNeera by Nixxi

*Incidentally does anyone know which artist was responsible for creating that Imoen portrait? I always like to know my BG artists!

So the options I am considering for:

image by Isandir
image by Synthia13
image by Isandir


image Default (I always thought Khalid had one of the nicer defaults).
image by Isandir

So... thoughts and feedback? Please...? :)


  • FrondFrond Member Posts: 121
    I really like your Neera, and option A for Jaheria.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    I'd pick Jaheira portrait A and Khalid's default portrait. I've grown so used to vanilla BG style that modified portraits look 'off', hence I don't like Jaheira B. Jaheira C looks a bit 'thief' rather than fighter or druid (though I do like it).

    As for Khalid, I just like his normal portrait too.
  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806
    Isandir's for Jaheira and default for Khalid, though I don't understand your wanting to change them. Imlove the bg1 portraits. Bg2, on the other hand...
  • TheGraveDiggerTheGraveDigger Member Posts: 336
    Maybe it's the whisky, but most of those "women" look like men.

    I suppose if you forced me to choose... I'd pick B for Jaheira and default of K-k-khalid.
  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806

    Maybe it's the whisky, but most of those "women" look like men.

    I suppose if you forced me to choose... I'd pick B for Jaheira and default of K-k-khalid.

    It's the whiskey.
  • ArdanisArdanis Member Posts: 1,736
    Jaheira is a druid, and tree huggers are supposed to shun the metal equipment, so A doesn't quite fit her class.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    @Ardanis‌ but she's a F/D, and in BG, Fighter/Druids can wear metal armor.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    I'm a fan of Jaheira's original BG1 portrait, but if you'd prefer another I like Jaheira A best. I like original portrait for Khalid. (I'm not a fan of BG2 Jaheira's portrait either.)
  • rufus_hobartrufus_hobart Member Posts: 490
    Like most others seem to be, I'm actually quite fond of the original portraits, but I do have to say that option A for Jaheira looks amazing, so I would probably go with that. I do quite like Isandir's alternate for Khalid as well, he's an amazing artist, but personally I wouldn't use it for Khalid! So for your purposes, my votes would go to A for both.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    Heindrich said:

    image by Isandir

    I've always felt that this pic was an ideal alt for Khalid from the moment that it was first posted.

    However, I think this may be my favorite alt pic for Khalid:
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    edited September 2014
    Default for both really. I don't really like to mix up art styles, so your game would throw me off completely with the Neera and Imoen pics, so perhaps our tastes are just different (aka you should just ignore my opinion lol). I think Isandir's work is excellent, and actually fits in with the existing portraits, but I just cannot see that guy as Khalid or those chicks as Jaheira.

    edit: looked at the Neera again, it actually doesn't look *too* out of place. But I just can't deal with Willoen
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    Although I like to use custom portraits a lot, the vanilla BG1 portrait for Jaheira is so good and lovely so that I think it's the best (for Jaheira). I even use it for Jaheira in BG2:) I really find the woman from the Jaheira's BG1 portrait quite attractive and her expression is OK for me.

    1) Quality of artwork. Yes
    2) Does the picture capture the spirit of the character? Yes
    3) Does the picture fit in with the general style of other portraits? I think, yes

    For Khalid I would choose either his vanilla portrait or the portrait mentioned by @SharGuidesMyHand - one of my all-time favourites from BG1. The quality and the style are there too, I also think that picture suits Khalid if you imagine he's the guy Jaheira has chosen.

    So, @Heindrich , maybe my answer, along with @booinyoureyes 's doesn't provide you with what you seek but still I hope you'll take it into consideration ;)
  • HeindrichHeindrich Member, Moderator Posts: 2,959
    meagloth said:

    Isandir's for Jaheira and default for Khalid, though I don't understand your wanting to change them. Imlove the bg1 portraits. Bg2, on the other hand...

    Haha clearly this is a subjective issue that very much depends on personal tastes. I feel exactly the opposite. I like most of the BG2 portraits but dislike quite a few of the BG1 ones.

    I think my main problem with BG 1 portraits is that I think of portraits as almost like a passport photos, so I don't like how many of the characters have very exaggerated expressions so that you can't even see their face very well.

    edit: looked at the Neera again, it actually doesn't look *too* out of place. But I just can't deal with Willoen

    But... but... I am sure I am not the only one who saw "Willowen" and thought she looked more like Imoen than Imoen did! I am afraid the original Imoen pictures are probably the most disappointing for me given how important the character is, in my opinion they don't capture her youth, charm and energy like Willowen does.

    That said, after all that, I am now leaning towards just using the default pictures for Jaheira and Khalid. lol For the sake of stylistic unity (especially for an ingame couple!) I was always planning to either use defaults for both, or Isandir's versions for both.
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    Actually, Willoen is kinda growing on me too. There were a couple Imoen portraits floating around that I kinda liked. One had edited her BG2 pic to have a little smirk and the second added her BG2 style haircut to her BG1 face.

    Here are a couple others I found that I kinda liked

    @Lemernis‌ shared this one awhile back (just found that out)

    Here is an interesting BG2 one by a guy named Zander

    Here is probably my FAVORITE for BG1 Imoen. I found it recently but never got to play it. I think it really captures her playful nature in the first game. Excellently done, by an artist named "Smilika"


    Probably my favorite by far to be honest

    Jaheira's BG1 portrait is the best of them all in my opinion. She looks like my ideal woman in terms of looks *_* I use it for BG2 as well now that I have discovered the joys of EEKeeper.

    @Heindrich‌ I remember you also expressed interest in using the Kelsey mod (the sorcerer NPC who can have a romance with Imoen). Might be a good time to try it :)
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,228
    I use Nixxi's Jaheira in both BG and BG2. I just change contrast and colors a bit.
  • HeindrichHeindrich Member, Moderator Posts: 2,959

    Wow that's a really nice picture of Imoen by Zander! I can't believe I've never seen it before! Any chance he's got a non-scarred and cheerful-looking version for BG1?! I intend to use the same picture for both games unless the two are very similar and the differences make sense.

    Smilika's picture is very a nice work of art, and the girl's cute for sure... but it doesn't scream Imoen to me. In fact... she looks a bit Asian to me. lol

    As for Kelsey... yes I did consider it, but I decided to keep things simple for this playthrough, since I will be using mods for the first time, and I am using a BG1NPC mod that isn't fully tested yet. I am a total noob when it comes to modding, WeiDu, Near Infinity etc... so the less variables there are, the easier it would hopefully be to diagnose and resolve any bugs I might run into.

    Also in BG 2 I intend to use, Kensai/Mage Charname, Aerie, Imoen and Neera, so a 5th arcane caster might be a bit overkill lol. Kelsey can wait for the next playthrough!
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    edited September 2014
    @Heindrich‌ huh, I actually like Smilika's the best because it reminds me the most of Imoen. I don't really think she looks that Asian either, but you'd probably know better than myself :)

    BG1NPC is the best mod ever, so you will enjoy yourself!

    I agree... that is a LOT of arcane casting (though two are multis) so maybe Kelsey wouldn't be ideal unless you take a pure tank otherwise.

    You gonna romance Aerie again? I suggest you try Sarevok this time... show a little forgiveness. I think he is the best NPC for Throne of Bhaal and I think you would be missing a lot by not having him in your party!

    Also, about modding, I think NPC mods are by far the easiest to use/install, so don't be too afraid to just add Kelsey to try him out even briefly.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    This one always reminds me of Martin Short.

  • SanctiferSanctifer Member Posts: 111
    edited March 2015
    Heindrich said:


    *Incidentally does anyone know which artist was responsible for creating that Imoen portrait? I always like to know my BG artists!

    Actually I am :)
    It was based on a portrait made by Iamotu back in the days (Hannigan's face) and on some pieces from other portraits, by Plasmocat, IIRC
  • KilivitzKilivitz Member Posts: 1,459
    @Pecca since this thread has been necroed I'd like like to take the opportunity to ask you about that Minsc alternate you've got. I love the contrast and background tweak - is there any chance you could share that? Thanks in advance.
  • SkieSkie Member Posts: 90
    Well, I actually really like BG1 oringial Jaheira picture. o.o
    Option B for Khalid is a really nice picture, and it looks perfect for an Half Elf.
  • MortiannaMortianna Member Posts: 1,356
    I really like the portraits from "PaintBG for BG:EE" mod:

    The artist has a few portraits for Jaheira and Khalid. These are the ones I think fit the best:

  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,228
    @Kilivitz: sure.
  • KilivitzKilivitz Member Posts: 1,459
    @Pecca thank you very very much. I usually don't go for NPC portrait edits but I think this one is too good to ignore.
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