Localization Status and Volunteering

This is a summary of all Enhanced Edition translation projects. The name in parentheses is the project's coordinator. Teams are composed of volunteers and very welcoming of new members, so we encourage you to get in touch with the lead if you would like to help out; don't worry if the summary doesn't specifically say the team is looking for a particular role. If you would like to volunteer for a project that is not listed, or whose lead is not listed for various reasons, please e-mail amber@beamdog.com.
Brazilian Portuguese
- BG:EE ( @Nasher ): Released.
- BGII:EE: On temporary hiatus.
- IWD:EE ( @stephanmartins ): In progress.
- BG:EE ( @inthel ): Released.
- BGII:EE ( @inthel ): ~85% complete. Additional translators are welcome.
- IWD:EE ( @inthel ): ~5% complete. Additional translators are welcome.
- BG:EE ( @Edvin ): Released.
- BGII:EE ( @Edvin ): ~30% complete. The original BG2 translation is being revised to meet quality standards. A little bit of everything in the new content has been translated.
- IWD:EE ( @Edvin ): The original Icewind Dale translation is being revised to meet quality standards. For the new content, class, ability, and spell descriptions, menu strings, and a few other things have been translated.
- BG:EE ( @La_Voix ): Released.
- BGII:EE ( @La_Voix ): Proofreading of original content ~80% done; translation of new content in early stages. The team is in need of additional translators.
- IWD:EE ( @La_Voix ): Released.
- BG:EE ( @Drakonis ): Released.
- BGII:EE ( @Drakonis ): Released (text only). German audio is planned for inclusion in a future update.
- IWD:EE ( @Drakonis ): Released.
- BG:EE: Complete and released in 1.31 (iOS). Other platforms will be updated in the future.
- BG:EE, IWD:EE ( @Aedan ): Released. The Merry Fools (Gli Allegri Buffoni) are in particular need of rules lawyers and translators to help polish and maintain these translations.
- BGII:EE ( @Jecko666 ): ~100% translated and being polished/tested. The team welcomes anyone who would like to join, especially testers for the new content.
- BG:EE ( @Garyou_Tensei ): Released.
- IWD:EE ( @Garyou_Tensei ): In progress. Additional volunteers are sought to help proofread the original Icewind Dale translation and to update the text to include the Enhanced Edition content.
- BG:EE ( @Kaelic ): Released.
- BGII:EE ( @Kaelic ): Will be the focus after IWD:EE has been fully revised.
- IWD:EE ( @Kaelic ): Released in version 1.4. Polishing continues for the original localization, and additional volunteers are welcome.
- BG:EE ( @Basillicum ): On hiatus due to the lack of active team members.
- BG:EE ( @viader): Released.
- BGII:EE ( @viader ): In progress. Rasaad and Dorn's content is complete, Neera and Hexxat's SoA content is translated and being proofread, and The Black Pits II is 25% translated.
- IWD:EE ( @viader): Released.
- BG:EE ( @DragonAttack ): Released.
- BGII:EE: ~70% of dialog.tlk and ~35% of dialogF.tlk translated.
- IWD:EE ( @DragonAttack ): Released in version 1.4.
- BG:EE ( @Immortality ): Released.
- BGII:EE ( @Immortality ): Released (text only). Spanish audio is planned for inclusion in a future update.
- IWD:EE ( @Immortality ): Released.
- BG:EE: Released.
- BGII:EE: ~9% complete.
Post edited by Jalily on
This discussion has been closed.
Please contact her at amber@beamdog.com for all your localization needs.