Drow portraits

Although I am very impressed by much of the art that I have seen on the forums, especially by artastrophe and the like, I am afraid that most drow art/portraits, even that found via google or on deviantart, just doesn't capture how I envision in my mind the dark elves of the forgotten realms.
Most dark elf art is either too cartoony, way too world of warcraft (total blegh!), or too sexualized. There is so much excellent art and portraits out there for high elves and other white elves, but when it comes to the evil drow of the realms, I am just underwhelmed.
As a side note, I have found more male drow art that appeals to my tastes than female drow art, which is sad because female drow are so much more awesomazerful.
See the following URLS for an idea of my tastes.
Anyone with similar tastes?
Most dark elf art is either too cartoony, way too world of warcraft (total blegh!), or too sexualized. There is so much excellent art and portraits out there for high elves and other white elves, but when it comes to the evil drow of the realms, I am just underwhelmed.
As a side note, I have found more male drow art that appeals to my tastes than female drow art, which is sad because female drow are so much more awesomazerful.
See the following URLS for an idea of my tastes.
Anyone with similar tastes?
I tried to get the link to show but failed. There's LadyRhian's too many pictures for any thread page in the fan creation of this site.
Made by Natalie Holkham over at deviantart.
This one is my personal favourite. While originally an Dunmer portrait, it works really well for Drow and Half-Drow alike.
Good drow, Eilistraeen's especially, like wearing revealing outfits as well.
Surface elves are similar just to a lesser extent.
by Michael Gauss http://helmuttt.deviantart.com/
Edit: For example:
Here are my three favourite male pictures:
by angelkittyworld https://www.pinterest.com/source/angelkittyworld.tumblr.com/
be jianjiagu http://jianjiagu.deviantart.com/
by AiDerathar http://aiderathar.deviantart.com/
and my 3 favourite female pictures:
by Anonymous(can't find the artist) - I am quite certain it is a Wizard's picture
by Gerald Brom http://www.bromart.com/
This one is one of my favourite armours, but is a cosplay, not a picture. The only issue is it is missing a little in detail work.
by LoliDSoliD http://lolidsolid.deviantart.com/
Most of the difficulty for the edit was finding the artists.
Edit2: I actually use the 3rd Drow picture as an avatar on the BG:TSCC forums.
As I said earlier, they are easy to find, you just have to comb through the garbage to find good ones.
A very well done assassin(I'm not sure about the permission to post it so I'll just post a link)
by Mavrosh http://mavrosh.deviantart.com/
A very intricately done High Priestess in her robes
by Jianjiagu http://jianjiagu.deviantart.com/
This is another set of Drow armour, that I think is really cool.
by Anonymous
Drow Priestess
by Wizards of the Coast
A Drow Fighter
by Anonymous
A really cool action shot of a Drow struggling with an Illithid
by artpox http://artpox.deviantart.com/
This is a female Drow assassin that seems to have just mortally injured another Drow(I'm not sure about the permission to post it so I'll just post a link)
by AzraelEvangeline/Blind-Leviathan http://blind-leviathan.deviantart.com/?rnrd=156615
@mashedtaters Yes, I am fully aware of the religious rituals that Lolthites and Eilistraeeans perform. That does not mean they dress or undress like that all the time. Most priestesses actually wear somewhat sensible clothing, as in a highly volatile cloak and dagger society, do you think any of those scantily clad Drow that artists post on the internet would be able to defend themselves without something popping out of place? Be a little realistic.
Ellistraeeans have identity issues.
Artist: simonarpalmer
Artist: fuuryoku
Artist: cyzra
Artist: kerembeyit
Artist: ochrejelly
Artist: aerenwyn
Artist: shilesque
Artist: ochrejelly
Artist: smilika
Artist: alteya
Artist: ochrejelly
Artist: helmuttt
Artist: steveargyle
Artist: seraph777
Artist: aleksandratrezvina
Artist: insolense
That second portrait @bengoshi shared!!! That's my new character!
There is never too much Drow elf art that ISN'T hypersexualized!
Love it all! I hope @Icecreamtub has seen this thread.
Artist: NixxiCal on DeviantArt
Also, I don't think that there's anything wrong with resurrecting an old thread like this.
So far the androgynous Fiery red eyes or the Blue-eyes B&W portrait get my vote.
Not sure which one to go with... but since I am remaking "Drow, of the Fist" the fiery one is the winner so far.
Still I like the posed stature of the b&w one.
Hard to pick. Thanks for the pics guys, much appreciated.
EDIT: On second tought, this one is closer to the original, and the one I had in mind :
http://www.komarckart.com/new03.html Sorin, Lord of Innistrad (2011) by Michael Kormack
Now, i admit, that it's a hassle sometimes to find the original creator. In case of the second one i couldn't find the artist's site, because the deviant art, where other sources were leading, is deactivated. But here is the title of the picture and the nickname of the artist
Spirit of Battle: The Last High King by *elfkin
PS. By the way, really gorgeous portraits (especially the aleksandra trezvina one). The only problem I have with some of them is that the drows in them dont look drows, but humans with pointy ears and weird colour eyes.