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Scroll/Potion Case

AnhoraAnhora Member Posts: 22
edited December 2012 in Not An Issue
Current behavior: If you got a second case it does display the same content as in your first case. And is full aswell. :(
Expected behavior: Each Case should be a very own container. So you could actuelly use two scroll or potion cases.

Please fix this, because i dont know where to put all my scrolls and potions. :D
Post edited by Coriander on


  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862
    Question: how do you get a second case?

    The original design is that every container item can be sold only once. If you know two instances of the item sold in different places, report that as a bug.

    If you just use the container from a previous game... don't.
  • AnhoraAnhora Member Posts: 22
    I cheated a second case of course. ;) Game plays way more convenient with enough container.
  • AnhoraAnhora Member Posts: 22
    edited December 2012
    Why was this topic put here to "Not an Issue"? (Without notification or a Mod comment.)

    I think there is still a bug issue with the bags. Anyway how you get a second case. Even it is not intendent are you sure those container are working as intendent? :(
  • IncasIncas Member Posts: 38
    There is no bug of course. You cheated in the exact same bag. Try 02 or b at the end of the itemcode.

    @aVENGER There is only the potion case for sale. A gem bag can be found in Neeras inventory but it would be great if it and a scroll case would be available for sale.
  • AnhoraAnhora Member Posts: 22
    Incas said:

    There is no bug of course. You cheated in the exact same bag. Try 02 or b at the end of the itemcode.

    It does not work. :( "Error File bag03b does not exist"

    And bag02 are the gem bag.
  • LuthoreLuthore Member Posts: 43
    edited December 2012
    The problem is that the each item code container has it's own "inventory" script. Think of it like a merchant. Every merchant has their own unique inventory of items that you can deposit or recover from them (buy/sell). The item containers function in the same way. So "bag02" has the "bag02 inventory" script attached to it. When you spawn in another "bag02" you spawn it in with the same inventory script as the first one. Hence why you are seeing the same items in each bag. It's like if you spawn in a second Winthrop in the Candlekeep in. They will both have the same inventory. Even if you sell a unique item to one, you can then go and buy it off the other.

    This isn't a "bug" because it's not an intended feature of the game for you to have multiple containers like that. You cheated the item in, and therefore it's reasonable for the item to not function as expected. Hence why this thread was probably moved into "Not An Issue"

    An interesting side effect is that you can use multiple bags of holding to shift items from one NPC to another with out having to worry about/deal with "This character is too far away for that". Simply dump the item in one inventory bag, go to the other NPC, and withdraw.

    edit: The only way to get multiple containers like the way you want would be to create those as custom items and then summon them in game. You'll have to ask some one with experience about making their own items as to how to do that, for i have no idea.
  • LuthoreLuthore Member Posts: 43
    Also, be careful what bags you summon. Some contain items that are invalid and if you dump them into your inventory they will eat up a spot and cant be dropped! Specifically I'm referring to the bags of holding. Though I'm sure they can probably be edited to remove those items. Alternatively, if you start a multiplayer game and unload the items on a throw away character, then keep the bags on your main character, you can have several bags of holding. just saying.
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