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Neera's Adventure - The reward is _______?? (Spoilers)

So I just found the obese wild mage (I forgot the name hence the description) in the goblin cave, fought of the red wizards and he rewarded me with an unidentified girdle.

Guess what it itendifies into? Nothing! It's just a nondescript ordinary girdle!

Now given how Wild Magic is all about chaos I wanted to know if anyone else got this? Intended behavior or missing text? (I'm asking since a few other ingame items are not properly described even though they clearly give stats - the monk companion's boots? I think was one of them)


  • skrissakskrissak Member Posts: 24
    I think its a bug, i read that the girdle actually has saving throws.
  • XivirielXiviriel Member Posts: 166
    If you bring up the girlde's description while in a buy/sell vendor window it will fix the description. At least it did for me. The belt adds a bonus to save vs polymorph.
  • JalilyJalily Member Posts: 4,681
    The girdle gives you a +30 (will be +5 in the next patch) bonus to saves vs. polymorph. The description will be fixed.
  • CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
    You also get a stoneskin scroll from the main Red wizard. Now if only she was high enough level to learn it...
  • toanwrathtoanwrath Member Posts: 621
    Is this the end of Neera's quest(s)? Or is there more to her story? Debating dumping her...
  • BlaveBlave Member Posts: 39
    Corvino said:

    You also get a stoneskin scroll from the main Red wizard. Now if only she was high enough level to learn it...

    She can learn it at any level. Just not cast it. But then again, that's why Nahal's is in her spellbok, right? :D
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