Why can I not roll a half-orc blackguard when there is a half-orc blackguard companion?

Just wondering why the restriction on this race combo when i create my character? There is one in game as a companion after all.
Why do they have that stuff? No idea. Guess it makes them unique and more interesting.
I consider them a worthless addition. And i'm not talking about special abilities.
I am talking about the situation where you break racial restrictions, you just make the player wonder "If that guy is special, why can't i do the same?"
Many people would have a half-orc as their favorite race, if they can't be a blackguard because only humans can, that's ok.
And then you go and present to them Dorn, saying "Hey! Look what he is, you can't be like that!".
If you need to make a character special by having him break the rules in some way, then it means the character didn't have a lot of potential to be special in the first place.
Would anyone bother with Dorn if he didn't have 19 STR and if he wasn't a "sophisticated" half-orc who breaks the rules and is a Blackguard?
Would he have the same impact if he was a barbarian and not so sophisticated, breaking no rules?
I don't think so.
Uniqueness should come from their personality or story and banter/actions. If they need to break rules to be unique or interesting, well, you get the point.
I don't really think NPCs should have something special as abilities, extra stats, or racial combo breaks.
Coran - 20 Dexterity
Dorn - Half-Orc with a Paladin kit
Kagain - 20 Constitution
Minsc - Illegally low Wisdom for a Ranger
Quayle - Illegally low Dexterity for an Illusionist. (Totally an oversight though since he's missing it by 1 point)
Aerie - Elf with Cleric/Mage kit. People do point out however that Avariel (Winged Elves) are allowed to be Cleric/Mages, so.
Anomen - Illegal dual-class. Wisdom 12? Pfft.
Haer'Dalis - 2 pips in Short Swords even though he's a bard.
Minc - One too many blows to the head. Its obvious from his animal companion and his dialogue he's not got all his marbles anymore
Aerie - As you mentioned , shes a winged elf. They are allowed that race combo
Haer'Dalis - is a Tiefling, people seem to forget that, so they wanted to make him special and gave him slightly different proficiencies to simulate this.
Anomen - He is actually a "legacy" member, much like frats who take someone just because their father was a member, plus its for plot reasons as well.
Still he probably shouldn't be able to cast Priest spells. =P I never said that they weren't.
And you can be like Dorn and better, stat-wise. Tome of Strength = 19 STR. Tome of Constitution +1 = 19 Con.
And your guy is special. Bhaalspawn abilities and custom-tailored stats.
I always kit my multi-class characters, they're just more interesting when they are more different/specialized. I find Dorn more interesting because of the "rule-breaking" while a half-orc barbarian would be pretty boring, run-of-the-mill stuff. It's not "needed" to be interesting, it simply automatically makes him more interesting.
That being said, I'm not a big fan of racial class-restrictions and I'm glad later editions got rid of it.
How many people used Zevhran in Dragon Age: Origins? He joins super late, and doesn't fulfill a role you don't already have fulfilled in other party members because he can't even use rogue abilities well.
If the character doesn't bring something extra to the table, there is little incentive to use them over just making your own extra character.