Let multiclassess choose their sprite look

So I'm playing fighter/thief and I get a fighter sprite by default.
But I would prefer to have a thief sprite.
Make it possible to choose a sprite in "customize" options.
The sprites you could choose would be only from the classess of your multiclass (so there would be no fighter/mage looking like bard).
I know that thief sprites wouldn't probably have their helmets displayed, but I don't care. I want my hood
But I would prefer to have a thief sprite.
Make it possible to choose a sprite in "customize" options.
The sprites you could choose would be only from the classess of your multiclass (so there would be no fighter/mage looking like bard).
I know that thief sprites wouldn't probably have their helmets displayed, but I don't care. I want my hood

Shadowkeeper allowed you to change this. I don't think it'd be a difficult feature to implement and would prefer not having to resort to mods to do it.
But with the changes to the engine for BGEE, Shadowkeeper may not even work with BGEE. So, an option in-game to change appearance would be most welcome. I just can't picture my Kensai running around Amn with shorts on.
I also preferred the Thief appearance when I made a Fighter/Thief purely because of the hooded look.
~1PP_THIEVES_GALORE/SETUP-1PP_THIEVES_GALORE.TP2~ #0 #3 // 1ppv3: Improved Improved Galactygon's Avatar Switching
Automagically switches the avatar depending on the type of armor. it works great in the BG2 engine (IWD couldn't quite handle this functionality).
I love this game, and like to have a good multi class character. My problem is the pour appearance of this characters. If you are a mage-something and try to wear a robe, than this robe doesn't appear in the game. Why is that?
So, if you can, it will be very good to make a change in this.
How does it work with dual classes? You keep the first one? It would be cool if you could choose there too?
Say if you started out as a Fighter then dual classed to Mage, you choose which one you want in the UI.
I just tried dualing my swashbuckler early to check this, and no you dont get the mage appearance with robes, thats just terrible, it leaves you as an unarmored rogue with a slight colour change.
-Endure, in enduring grow strong.(specially when rolling a new character!)