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Ogre Magi Ambush Northeast of Nashkel?

I was questing in the area northwest of nashkel, I was in the southern portion of that area about to talk to a gentleman on his way to Amn, whe I start hearing slashing noises and then appears an Ogre Magi out of thin are, chopping and kicking and dying horribly by my group since he chose to unstealth right in the middle of my group...

Is this a bug or is he meant to be there? It is not in any of the guides?


  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862
    Not a bug. Maybe guides didn't consider it newsworthy to mention all ambush events.
  • XivirielXiviriel Member Posts: 166
    Ogre Magi do not simply follow coding rules.
  • Rpg_AvatarRpg_Avatar Member Posts: 38
    Tru, but an Ogre Magi that early in the game with no other Ogre Mages anywhere about seemed odd to me. Especially since he dropped a ton of gems and a spell scroll
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