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What level/xp did you reach in The Black Pits?

For those of you that have entered the Pits, did you hit the 161k cap by the end of the game? Did you find yourself far under, or having hit it some time before the end?


  • igotsmeakabob11igotsmeakabob11 Member Posts: 19
    Bump :(
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    I have not played TBP yet, but I read that the cap is much higher. Each class can read level 15 or so?
  • jolly_bbjolly_bb Member Posts: 122
    Well i made it to the fight with necromancer (4th fight or so - so very early, nowhere near the cap). I find it quite enjoyable, but switched to the main game for now.
  • SceptenarSceptenar Member Posts: 606
    edited December 2012
    After the final fight my guys hit 214433 xp each... That's level 8 for most of them...
  • AristilliusAristillius Member Posts: 873
    I heard the cap is lvl 10.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    It is indeed level 10--which means that the XP cap is different for every class.

    I don't recall how that affects dual-classed characters...
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