I can't connect to him

I can host a game just fine but we would rather that the other guy is the main character. He can connect to me when I run the game but when he runs I can't connect to him. Instead, my game just crashes when trying to connect to him. Can I get any suggestions here?
Are you on a router...whether built-in to the modem or not?
Always post your computer specs for future reference when asking for help.
If not, add them in the Advanced TAB at the top of the screen in your router and click Applications TAB at the left side of under Advanced TAB.
ftp://ftp.dlink.ru/pub/Router/DI-624/Description/DI-624_manual_101.pdf - Link to the manual of your router.
Port - 47630
http://findports.com/document.php?tag=baldurs-gate - Rest of the ports.
All ports need to be added as TCP and UDP. Trigger port is range of ports, like 2300-2400. Public port is the starting port of that range..so it would 2300. Trigger type and Public type need to be the same for the set of ports. TCP for both and UDP for both.