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Very Stupid Question-Very Needed Answer

I am not computer savvy so anything that anyone tells me to do to fix it, will likely not work :)

I am more hoping that the next patch comes out late today/tomorrow/soon. I know this might sound like a lot but in reality, I'd rather the game work crappy than not at all.

I am very confident that you all from beam dog are doing your best and thats why Im not angry. Just curious thats all. Thankyou.


  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    The first patch was pushed within three days of the release; so you can probably use that as a good measure of how quickly things are getting done. I don't know specific dates, but as soon as they've got some solid fixes ready and working I'll make sure to post the announcement.
  • DKnightDKnight Member Posts: 307
    Thankyou, Ill wait then.

  • mercurymeltdownmercurymeltdown Member Posts: 49
    What was the question?
  • PugPugPugPug Member Posts: 560
    I think he was just asking when he might expect the next patch.
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