Tome of Understanding

in Not An Issue
Regarding the Marek and Lothander quest, the priestess of Umberlee tells me to retrieve the Tome from Chanthalas Ulbright in the temple of Tymora. I can offer to pay him 500 gold and he'll take the money but the book won't appear in my inventory. Afterwards, the option to ask him for it no longer shows up and the Priestess of Umberlee just repeats her earlier conversation asking me to get it.
Maybe the book was dropped at your feet when you talked to him.
If that was the only problem and you can't find the book, try this clua command:
Then you can talk to him again.
In the end, I just cut out the middle man and killed the Umberlee priestesses for the Geas Scroll.
I vaguely remember that many quests ago I might have pilfered that book with my thief from her and used it...
So - without that book, is there a way to still complete the Marek&Lothander poison-kills-me-in10-days-questline? Or do I have to cheat the book back in to save the party?