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Are romances affected if you tell your lover to leave?

I had to get Neera's gem bag, but had a full party, so told Dorn to leave. Then, I took the gem bag from Neera, kicked her out, and rehired Dorn. Would that affect the romance between my female PLAYERCHAR and Dorn?

(The reason why I kicked out Dorn and not Edwin was because there was a weird bug where Dorn would just leave, and not reappear in the Friendly Arm Inn, after I switched out Edwin for Neera).


  • KomarrKomarr Member Posts: 80
    I'm not certain, but since the game does track things like npc reactions to conversations for romances, it's possible that would have a negative impact on you hopes for any wild (mage) booty.
  • MythdraconMythdracon Member Posts: 187
    Ugh, all because of that stupid bug.
  • JalilyJalily Member Posts: 4,681
    edited December 2012
    Romances are not affected when you tell your love interest to leave. The lovetalks aren't even delayed.
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