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BG:EE isn't bg1+bg2

velorienvelorien Member Posts: 17
I learned, unfortunately, that bg:EE is only bg1+expansion. I read somewhere that bg:EE should have to include also bg2+expansion...

What happened?

Is this only the first step or there's something wrong?


  • CorianderCoriander Member Posts: 1,667
    BG:EE and BG2:EE are separate games. The next one will be out next year.
  • FailedProductFailedProduct Member Posts: 28
    NO man. You think they give you everything for one price?
    Do not believe in fairy tales.
  • velorienvelorien Member Posts: 17

    NO man. You think they give you everything for one price?
    Do not believe in fairy tales.

    Ok man, I'm just surprised cause i read somewhere that bg:ee was a sort of collection. And it didn't seem so strange to me. It's an old game anyway. ..

  • FailedProductFailedProduct Member Posts: 28
    The next will come out next year, also with a huge hype about future projects. You will pay yearly, for a buggy stuff.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Yearly...for two years. Two games, two releases. That might be a case of "running away with the imagination to get married in Vegas". (That's the saying, right?)

    Also remember that BG2:EE will use the same engine, so most if not all of the engine problems we're seeing now will be nonexistent in BG2:EE, simply because they will have already been fixed.
  • FailedProductFailedProduct Member Posts: 28
    Yes, and what you say is normal. But not in this industry. Old but bigger problem is the lack of enhance.
  • FailedProductFailedProduct Member Posts: 28
    That sounds better. My favourite is 2. and maybe i will have a config for run 1 without problem.
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