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Petition for a direct download link of the game files.

I would like to request a direct download link for everyone who is having trouble downloading updating etc etc the game i cannot get the files as my isp is blocking connections to beamdog servers can we please have a dedicated direct download link for the latest current version of the game please thankyou.


  • subterrasubterra Member Posts: 49
    Can i suggest that the latest version of the game be uploaded to the forums so that people like me can simply downlaod from here rather than through the client we still need to authenticate the game through the beamdog client so i dont see why this cant be done as a workaround for people like myself.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Are you using the Beamdog client, or the stand-alone launcher?
  • lurimaxlurimax Member Posts: 28
    Doing that would just be stupid. Having users on many different versions is a programmers nightmare and complicates things dramaticly when it comes to bug crushing. I'm also pretty sure it would be against the contract they have to create BG:EE
  • BytebrainBytebrain Member Posts: 602
    Yeah, not to mention the pirates would be happy too... They'd just get the latest build and post it immediately on piratebay.
    I'm guessing that's the biggest reason they don't provide a direct link.
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