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Constitution Point Missing.

vambranvambran Member Posts: 2
edited December 2012 in Not An Issue
Loaded up my game today and saw my Constitution on my Fighter Half-Orc went from 19 to 18. I have no negative effects or cursed items. The 18 Shows up as white. If i start a new game by importing it goes back to 19 , but i lose all my progress.

I'm thinking a random debuff from a ghoul or poison somehow got stuck on my character sheet even after i cured it.

Post edited by Avenger_teambg on


  • vambranvambran Member Posts: 2
    Ah i guess it does not matter. I found out how to increase my stats using shadow keeper. Now i have 25 constitution muahaha.
  • dam23dam23 Member Posts: 30
    Congrats on ruining your game, while you're at it, set your attacks per round to 5, your base THAC0 to -8 and your natural AC to -10.
  • MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498
    Trying restoration at a temple might have been a good idea.
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