Bard's still suck
The class itself is a good one, but there are still 2 flaws no armor and a lack of spells, you would think they would have fixed at least the lack of spells until you got to baldur's gate, which was why I never made Imoen a mage when it first came out.
Post edited by Jalily on
Greater Malison + Glitterdust + Chromatic Orb = insta-kill everything that moves, right? :P
Besides, armors are not needed at all. Level one spell armor is awesome and stacks with shield. Level 3 spell Ghost armor is even better! Level four spell Spirit Armor is a Full Plate Mail!
So basically -
Bard with 18 dexterity (AC6), a Ring of Protection +2 (AC4), Spirit Armor (AC-5), Blur (AC-8), Protection from Evil (AC-10), Improved Invisibility (AC -14), add Protection from Missiles/Shield and Mirror Images in conjunction to something like a Blade's Offensive spin... How is this not good enough?! XD
Frankly speaking, Bards are generally worse than F/M in aspect of combat in both BG1 and BG2, even in BGT.
So... That's the Bards. It is OK as it is unless we consider improving Bards themselves like Rogue Rebalancing Mod did, I think that was not enough though.
So has that elven chain drop bug been reported? ...and is there somewhere I can check?
A level 40 bard with a spell as simple as Flaming arrow deals 8d6 piercing + 32d6 fire damage. That's more than Abi Dalzim's Horrid wilting for you!
Not to mention a level 40 bard's improved haste lasts for over 4 minutes, which is kind of a perk really.
Same with Tenser's Transformation, lasts 4 minutes, lowers AC by 10, gets enough THAC0 bonus to get to 0 instantly, and gets +2 damage and to Hit bonus, as well as doubles his health.
So a bard with maximum health rolls on 16 constitution gets to have 280 health? Seems nice...
Low level bards aren't as good, true, but don't underestimate high level ones. They can dominate any fighter class through Stoneskin, Improved haste and Tenser.
Edit : also, good thing they don't follow the actual rules, where Bards get access to 8th level mage spell. 40d8 damage for Abi Dalzim? Sounds nice
-While they get less spells then mages, the spells they get are more powerfull because they will be higher level.
-When a mage runs out of spells he can't do much besides standing around, my bard can still be an effective archer because the better thac0 progression.
-If neither spells or shooting are effective, they can use bardsong to boost their allies or confuse the enemies.
-Pickpocket is nice, frees up your thief to spend in other skills and there are quite a lot of good pickpocket targets in the game.
-Having a high charisma leader is nice, why your main char? :-)
For the lack of armour, I think if your using your bard in meele your doing it wrong. Your not a fighter, don't act like it. Staying in the back shooting and throwing spells are a lot more effective. Anyway you have the amour spell as others have pointed out that is pretty good.
The main disadvangate is that they only get up to lvl6 spells, and thats not an issue for bg1.
I'm redownloading BG:EE, but using ToB as a reference. Just give a look @ Stoneskin (SPWI408.SPL), the example you took.
If you look @ the effects you can see there's data up to level 20 which gives 10 skins. Further up there's no data, so you will never get more than 10 skins. Just check Flame Arrow and Horrid Wilting. In all cases the effects do not scale up after level 20.
I didn't check all spells, but my general understanding is that no spell can benefit from level 20+. I read it somewhere on the web too but I don't remember where or when. The reason was that spellcasters would get too powerful otherwise.
Spell descriptions like Stoneskin and Flaming Arrow however were written all before Throne of Bhaal and weren't modified (see Monk description) for higher levels for some reason, so we can't be sure outside of strong testing :P
Still though, I think bards are awesome, potentially one of the best classes around, second to Cleric/Mages and Cleric/Thieves.
So I created a Bard level 40 in ToB with Flame Arrow. I used it against several creatures created via console. Each time the number of arrows launched resulting in damage was 8. Which means 4 for piercing damage and 4 for fire damage (level 20 effects). So, you see it is as I say.
Again, I didn't check all spells but I believe it will be the same for every other one.
People who don't know how to utilize the class still can't utilize them well? Oh em eff gee. Color me shocked.
What was I saying again?