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No Kit dual classes? (Kensai > Mage)

Does BG:EE have no Dual Classing of kit classes? Was planning to make my Kensai a dual classed mage at level 4 (I've never dual classed before so I thought it would be fun to try now that BG1 has BG2 class system)



  • ReadingRamboReadingRambo Member Posts: 598
    U have to have 18 or 17 in both strenght and intelligence
  • agrisagris Member Posts: 581
    According to this you need to be human, minimum 15 STR and 17 INT. What do you have @Mansen?
  • MansenMansen Member Posts: 82
    Oh jesus christ - where did those requirements come from suddenly? I wasn't aware of this at all. :(
  • agrisagris Member Posts: 581
    Sorry man, thems the rules. Been that way from the start, I believe.
  • MansenMansen Member Posts: 82
    Ah well - Sucks to be me then. I could swear this is the first I have ever read of any specific attribute requirements though. Oh well - next playthrough then ^^
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Yep. Sorry--I should have included something to that effect in the manual. *adds another one to The List*
  • Humanoid_TaifunHumanoid_Taifun Member Posts: 1,063
    @Aosaw Didn't you include it though? I distinctly remember talking to you about it.
  • ChowChow Member Posts: 1,192
    But on the bright side, you can and always were able to dual-class your kensai.
  • MansenMansen Member Posts: 82
    Chow said:

    But on the bright side, you can and always were able to dual-class your kensai.

  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    @Humanoid_Taifun I thought I had too, but apparently not...
  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    Op you could use shadowkeeper to edit your current characters stats.

    Dual classing requires 15 points in the prime attribute(s) of your first class, and 17 points for you second classes prime attribute(s).

    The toughest dual class to make is a fighter / druid, you need 15 str, 17 wiz, and 17 cha to make one of those.
  • agrisagris Member Posts: 581

    Careful, getting SK to work and guaranteeing that it isn't populating corrupt data into your save game are two different things. I noticed that edited saves crop the PC's name (which can be longer in BGEE than BG2).
  • Humanoid_TaifunHumanoid_Taifun Member Posts: 1,063
    @Mungri Yes, it would probably be safer to use the console to spawn a few manuals.
  • Aasimar069Aasimar069 Member Posts: 803
    Speaking of Manuals, have the CLUA codes changed ?

    Bookxx & co
  • Humanoid_TaifunHumanoid_Taifun Member Posts: 1,063
    BOOK03 for constitution
    BOOK04 for strength
    BOOK05 for dexterity
    BOOK06 for intelligence
    BOOK07 for charisma
    BOOK08 for wisdom
  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    agris said:


    Careful, getting SK to work and guaranteeing that it isn't populating corrupt data into your save game are two different things. I noticed that edited saves crop the PC's name (which can be longer in BGEE than BG2).

    SK is working for me.
  • MansenMansen Member Posts: 82
    Question related to the console - is there any way to reset your character back to character creation state? That is Level 1 - so I can reassign every level since then by handing them XP points.
  • ChowChow Member Posts: 1,192
    Set it as level 0, not 1.
  • MansenMansen Member Posts: 82
    Chow said:

    Set it as level 0, not 1.

    Set... what exactly? I'm asking FOR consoles commands, not how to use them.
  • ChowChow Member Posts: 1,192
    Mansen said:

    Set... what exactly? I'm asking FOR consoles commands, not how to use them.

    Oh. I thought you were talking about Shadowkeeper. Which in retrospect was rather a silly assumption to make.

    I'm not that versed about console, but I really do recommend downloading Shadowkeeper, because it does basically all consoles do, including setting your level to 0 to reassign whatever stuff you were going to. Works pretty great.
  • MansenMansen Member Posts: 82
    Yeah I know ShadowKeeper works - with the old game. Reports are yet to come in whether it screws up BeeGee savegames yet - at least in the long term. And given how I'm already in Baldurs Gate I don't really want to mess around with anything experimental just yet. :)
  • Humanoid_TaifunHumanoid_Taifun Member Posts: 1,063
    I don't know if this method works.

    1. Take away all items from your character.
    2. Export character and save game.
    3. Copy game into the mpsave folder.
    4. Load game up in multiplayer but delete your character.
    5. Import your exported character. Fiddle with settings so he only keeps his stats, not his level.
    6. Save game.
    7. Copy game back into save folder.
  • MansenMansen Member Posts: 82
    Sadly not - Doesn't seem like you can modify characters in a loaded multiplayer game. At least I can't make the customize character button to un-grey itself.
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