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Is Neera's sidequest really this short? (minor spoilers)

bem809bem809 Member Posts: 26
edited January 2013 in Not An Issue
Went to Neera's new area, met Adoy, then finished the battle. Afterwards, Adoy gave me the belt which was identified to be a proper magic item. After he vanished, I got some exasperated dialogue from Neera (all three responses gave the same result) then the quest was concluded (the quest heading "Neera" was moved to "Done Quests" in the journal).

I just wanted to confirm with others if this is really how Neera's quest is supposed to end or if there's a bug that's preventing something else from triggering afterwards. I was just a bit confused since the quest seems unusually short.
Post edited by Jalily on


  • NymMoondownNymMoondown Member Posts: 219
    edited December 2012
    The same for me.
    I hope to enjoy the romance too, but it never has begun (or it has been too short).
    Post edited by NymMoondown on
  • ShakaUVMShakaUVM Member Posts: 5
    It wasn't quite 4 hours of content, was it?
  • bem809bem809 Member Posts: 26
    Nope, ran through the whole thing in about 20 minutes. Wondering if more quests will come later on as the main story progresses.
  • Ultima75000Ultima75000 Member Posts: 12
    There are more talk scenes but its almost erratic how they pop up. You also have to find another encounter in the city itself (Except its really out of the way...) and there's a bug on that too.
  • bem809bem809 Member Posts: 26
    Guess I'll just skip the quest until they can patch it up
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