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Fighter to mage at level 3- worth the loss of specialist spell slot?

Yeah, I know the best is to dual at level 7, but it feels way too much like a chore to get level 8 in mage, especially in a game like BG1 where you aren't gaining thousands and thousands of xp every quest/enemy, and I like to play with a 6 person party.
So my question is if dualing a fighter to mage at level 3 is going to be worth the loss of the specialist spell slot, I guess I'd get a nice hp boost+ the one from familiar, enough so that my mage doesn't get one shotted by a random kobold, plus the helm for crit protection. Also, assuming I specialize in longbows, will my thaco be enough to actually hit the enemies?


  • DeucetipherDeucetipher Member Posts: 521
    If you're planning on only BG1, that's fine. The trade-off for bonus survivability is nice. If instead you want to go through ToB, you're giving up too much and gaining too little. Endgame, you're trading a slot per level for high levels spells where some killer spells are (So an HLA spell) for something like 40 hp. Really not worth it. The Mage gets pretty hard to kill late game anyway.

    Honestly, Find Familiar reduces the need to splash a level or three of fighter if you're primarily looking for hp gain.
  • RedWizardRedWizard Member Posts: 242
    I see.. what worries me is having to dual as a fighter at 7 in plain BG... even with EE it stills sounds like it's going to take forever until I get mage 8, although I guess at that point the rest of the team would be strong enough to carry me on?
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    RedWizard said:

    I see.. what worries me is having to dual as a fighter at 7 in plain BG... even with EE it stills sounds like it's going to take forever until I get mage 8, although I guess at that point the rest of the team would be strong enough to carry me on?


    Dual-classing is meant to be a pain in the ass because it's super powerful in the long run. Ya gotta work for it.
  • RedWizardRedWizard Member Posts: 242
    Oh well, Fighter 7>Mage 8 is achievable in BG:EE I hope?
  • DeucetipherDeucetipher Member Posts: 521
    yup. 154k xp out of a possible 161k.
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