Bauldur.ini settings not listed or known
Some entries in the bauldur.ini file I've found. NOTE I have no idea what they do, so use them with caution. One I have checked is 'Strref On' and it will prefix all strings in the game with their Strref number so some of them are self explanatory. I'll have more as time goes on. For starts, here are some of the ones under 'Program Options'
First Run
Install Type
Screen Position X
Screen Position Y
Use Mirror FX
Strref On
New Gui
Logging On
Force Local IP
Upper Case Buttons
Reverse Mouse Wheel Zoom
I assume they're in the same format as the other entries under 'Program Options'
First Run
Install Type
Screen Position X
Screen Position Y
Use Mirror FX
Strref On
New Gui
Logging On
Force Local IP
Upper Case Buttons
Reverse Mouse Wheel Zoom
I assume they're in the same format as the other entries under 'Program Options'
Area Effects Refresh Probability
Low End Machine 2
Extra Combat Info
Disable Casting Glows
Low Mem Sounds 1
Low Mem Sounds 2
Disable VEFVidCells
Disable Display Text
Mid Level Brighten
High Level Brighten
Enhanced Path Search
Enhanced Path Finding
Memory Access
Force Dialog Pause
Disable Statics During Combat
Disable Foot Steps During Combat
Disable Placed Sounds During Combat
Super Atomic Speed Fighting Action
Automated Speed Adjustment
Automated Translucent Shadows
Automated Very Low Performance
Automated Low Performance
Automated Disable Brightest
Automated Limit Transparency
Automated Diable Casting Glows
Automated Disable VEFVidCells
Automated Mid Level Brighten
Automated High Level Brighten
Automated Foot Steps
Automated Attack Sounds
Automated 3D Animations
Automated Disable VVC Sounds
Automated Faster Blur
Fully Disable Non Visible During Combat
Disable VVC Sounds
Faster Blur
Client Timeout