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Post your most painful roll

^ what the title says^
I'll start


>.< doh!


  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    If we open it up to dice rolls in general, with @Clockwork 's permission, my most painful roll was a 12.

    It was a BESM2e Game (Big Eyes Small Mouth Second Edition. Anime themed Point Buy System)

    We were fighting this tough demon and I botched a defense roll. I rolled an 8 and I needed, I think it was a 7 or less on 2d6. No worries. I have three ranks in Divine Relationship that lets me reroll a failed dice roll.

    I rerolled and got a 12. Critical Failure. No worries. I have two more rerolls.

    I rerolled again. And got another 12.

    This isn't looking good. I have another reroll. Even if I don't make the defense roll I need I'm sure to get something other than a 12! You can't roll three twelves in a row with 2d6! The odds are astronomical!

    So I use my last reroll.


    The damn demon almost one-shotted me. Knocked my character right out of the air. I had like, 5hp left and I was full before that.

    I would've been better off taking my first result!
  • ClockworkClockwork Member Posts: 6
    @Captroy Ouch, I've also had some of those rolls while playing Warhammer (both) and Warmachine. Also roll away with any game I guess.
  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    edited December 2012
    This is very fun in DDO - you can make a high evasion godly reflex monk or thief, but if you roll a 1 on your save you automatically fail and die, though you only take half damage with improved evasion.

    All the times I've tried dancing in traps for fun too see how long I can last without rolling a 1 :) Fun times.

    Now I must load up DDO again. Its definitely my second favorite DnD based game, and the only one that handles DnD on a 3D engine smoothly and brilliantly.
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