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So I finished BG:EE

Took me a good 100 hours, and I'm fairly certain I have completed every little side-quest (apart from some companion-specific ones. Although I did recruit most to do their quests before ditching them), and fully explored every single zone. Was it worth it? Indubitably. I was one of the luckier ones I guess, not having had any problems, FPS, Installation or glitch-wise.
I'll admit, compared to a fully modded BG, the differences don't really stand out as much, but honestly; I prefer it that way. I loved BG, one of my favorite games ever made (only really beaten by its sequel, BG2:SoA), so why mess with what is already perfect? This is the enhanced edition, and in my opinion, Overhaul came through, by doing just that; enhancing it. I thoroughly enjoyed the new content as well of course.*
I'll rate it 9,5/10, same as I did with the first one. I do not know when we will see BG2:EE, but one thing is for sure; the wait is already killing me. I have no doubt it will be even greater. Overhaul now knows what works, and what doesn't.

*As for the new content, I do have one little question to you all: How do you progress in the Neera romance? I did the smooching followed by the blue-balling, and never got any further. At least 50 hours worth of gameplay passed since both that and the little incident with the halfling. There is nothing in my active journal either.


  • styggastygga Member Posts: 467
    I'm on that part of the Neera romance myself... maybe you aren't supposed to push her for more, I did, then reloaded, then didn't, and it had the same ending dialogue. Haven't played much since that part last night, but yeah... IDK. I'll let you know if it progresses for me next time I'm on.

    On a side note, did you play through with Rasaad? If so, how'd you like him mid-end game?
  • DeucetipherDeucetipher Member Posts: 521
    That is the end of the romance. They are mostly just laying the groundwork for a full fledged romance in BG2
  • styggastygga Member Posts: 467
    Wow, finished it while I was in the cloakwood! lol good to know..
  • ZanianZanian Member Posts: 332
    If that truly is the end of the romance, it definitely seems rather lackluster. Of course, the new NPCs should continue their adventures in BG2:EE, meaning it might progress there, and hopefully follow the abundance of npc-interactions that is the trademark of the sequel.
    As for Rasaad, he got better, but still very underpowered. He had decent AC by the end, but still poor dmg and overall survivability. Of course, it doesn't help when his fellow new NPCs are powerhouses. It puts him in a poor light. Still, I enjoyed his personality, so he got to stay.
  • styggastygga Member Posts: 467
    I kicked out dorn, yes he's got awesome stats, but he's boring. I'll pick him back up after the cloakwood mines and finish his quest on the baldurs gate bridge. He seems to get hit more than Rasaad for me, and I had him in plate mail. I think Rasaad would rock with that cursed belt, but I've stated a few times I love Rasaad so I'm a bit biased. ;S
  • ZanianZanian Member Posts: 332
    I gave the belt to Yeslick and the 18/00 gloves to Rasaad instead. He was still the lowest-dmg dealing npc on my team, by far. But yeah, I kept him because I liked him. He also had the best personal quest, hands down. (Snowy surroundings? Yes please.)
  • kingthrallkingthrall Member Posts: 76
    stygga said:

    I kicked out dorn, yes he's got awesome stats, but he's boring. I'll pick him back up after the cloakwood mines and finish his quest on the baldurs gate bridge. He seems to get hit more than Rasaad for me, and I had him in plate mail. I think Rasaad would rock with that cursed belt, but I've stated a few times I love Rasaad so I'm a bit biased. ;S

    you know what they say, once you go black you cant go back :D
  • DeucetipherDeucetipher Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2012
    Zanian said:

    I gave the belt to Yeslick and the 18/00 gloves to Rasaad instead. He was still the lowest-dmg dealing npc on my team, by far. But yeah, I kept him because I liked him. He also had the best personal quest, hands down. (Snowy surroundings? Yes please.)

    Yeslick with the belt and dex gauntlets might be on of the best use of characters and items currently available. He immediately becomes an outrageously effective tank with excellent damage. His natural high con gives him great saves and good hp. Good wisdom too. The strength belt made him really quite good while reducing his micromanaging. If you're evil, you do the same with Kagain for a better but less flexible option.

    I can't actually use rasaad in my current game because of the autoleave bug.
  • ZanianZanian Member Posts: 332
    Aye, and with draw upon holy might, boosting his str and dex to 20, he does good dmg and has, for me atm, an AC of -8. (Rearranging his items he can technically get to -10). I gave him the Ashideena and he's a beast now.
    And what is that autoleave bug? I haven't had anyone leave without my saying so far.
  • LiamEslerLiamEsler Member Posts: 1,859
    The Neera proto-romance is 3 dialogues long and I think ends with the kiss, so if you got that, you saw all the content. The rest of it will be in BG2:EE :)
  • ego1steego1ste Member Posts: 88
    @Kaeloree i had 2 or 3 dialogues with Neera, but i don't remember any kisses. So i'm not sure i had them all, to be sure could you please write me what was that dialogues about?
  • Aasimar069Aasimar069 Member Posts: 803
    edited December 2012

    stygga said:

    I kicked out dorn, yes he's got awesome stats, but he's boring. I'll pick him back up after the cloakwood mines and finish his quest on the baldurs gate bridge. He seems to get hit more than Rasaad for me, and I had him in plate mail. I think Rasaad would rock with that cursed belt, but I've stated a few times I love Rasaad so I'm a bit biased. ;S

    you know what they say, once you go black you cant go back :D
    Though I understand the play-on-words, Rasaad is not black, he would be - in our world standards - either an Arab or a people from Persia (a Persian then I guess) .

    EDIT : He is a Calimshite if I recall properly. So D&D arabian settings / persia :p

  • Excalibur_2102Excalibur_2102 Member Posts: 351
    The romances will carry through to BG2
  • GilgalahadGilgalahad Member Posts: 237
    edited December 2012

    stygga said:

    I kicked out dorn, yes he's got awesome stats, but he's boring. I'll pick him back up after the cloakwood mines and finish his quest on the baldurs gate bridge. He seems to get hit more than Rasaad for me, and I had him in plate mail. I think Rasaad would rock with that cursed belt, but I've stated a few times I love Rasaad so I'm a bit biased. ;S

    you know what they say, once you go black you cant go back :D
    Though I understand the play-on-words, Rasaad is not black, he would be - in our world standards - either an Arab or a people from Persia (a Persian then I guess) .

    EDIT : He is a Calimshite if I recall properly. So D&D arabian settings / persia :p

    I believe he was talking about dorn not rasaad.

    I just can't seem to find the time to play since i installed it :-(. Too many medical issues keeping me out of the house i barely have time to sit and make a few forum posts and *poof* i have to leave already. Glad you managed to finish it sans problems Zanian :-). What little i've played so far has been very smooth and no issues or bugs yet.
  • MichailMichail Member Posts: 196
    Congratulations! Well done.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @Aasimar069 Calishite, not Calimshite. (World's biggest NERD.)
  • Ch3WCh3W Member Posts: 9
    100 hours already? Wow.
  • LiamEslerLiamEsler Member Posts: 1,859
    @ego1ste The dialogue starts with "Some days I'm surprised you let me tag along, considering how dangerous my wild magic can be." And to correct myself, there's actually no kiss, just a promise of more at some point.
  • ZanianZanian Member Posts: 332
    There was an "mmmm" sound and whatnot though. And CHARNAME could then ask to take it to the bedroll. I played through that dialogue a good 10-15 times (to see if I missed something, not because I'm lonely. I'm not THAT lonely...), and there were a lot of variations, some definitely with smooching.

    On another note, as much as I wanted to wait till BG2:EE to continue with this particular PC, me thinks I'll be importing it now anyways. I got the BG-bug again (or B'u'G). I presume you can still do the 'drop the items you want to keep at the beginning' glitch? I haven't imported a char in years. Also, would doing that with the new items cause hell and doom?
  • darthchairdarthchair Member Posts: 191
    Neera has cooties. That's why it didn't go any further. Yep. Cooties. Wild cooties. Just kissing her could land you with some random, horrifying disease that just springs up on you for no reason.
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