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Dorn as a Companion

Will Dorn leave the party if your reputation gets too high? I'd like to do his quest line, but I'm playing a good party and my rep is already up to 16 before I've even finished the second stage of his quest.


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  • ZinodinZinodin Member Posts: 153
    I only got one piece of advice to Dorn-bringers. Don't let him hold any of your kids.

    ... Unless you don't want kids anymore :3 Ah, Aerie will be maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad... :D
  • SableRhapsodySableRhapsody Member Posts: 38
    Zinodin said:

    I only got one piece of advice to Dorn-bringers. Don't let him hold any of your kids.

    Well, not unless you're plotting on evil, evil little Dorn-spawn with him. Talk about the most messed up parents in the realms XD

  • QuineloeQuineloe Member Posts: 55
    how do you even get him into your group to begin with?
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    Talk to him at the Friendly Arm Inn, then progress with the main story.
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