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Can't complete Coran's quest

So I accidentally sold the wyvern heads, and when I remembered that I needed to bring them to the mayor of Nashkel I tried to buy them back (gave one as a bounty to the church east of Beregost and I couldn't get that one back, but the second I sold to the mage at High Hedge I did get back)

Anyway im going to Nashkel to turn in the head, and I can't find the mayor anywhere, he isn't infront of the church where he usually is. Did I mess something up? I also tried leaving, resting somewhere else and coming back and he was still not there


  • styggastygga Member Posts: 467
    Uh... I'm pretty sure turning it into the mayor of BEREGOST at the temple you did it was the end of the quest.
  • BlackIvoryBlackIvory Member Posts: 75
    really? I could have sworn it was for the mayor of Nashkel....
    Well anyway I didn't get any quest ending dialogue from Coran, and when I try to talk to him he keeps saying "can't stop to talk, I have wayverns to kill". Is it supposed to be like that or is it a bug?
  • Aasimar069Aasimar069 Member Posts: 803
    Yes, it is for the guy inside the temple of Lathander, just Est of Beregost.
  • The_New_RomanceThe_New_Romance Member Posts: 839

    Yes, it is for the guy inside the temple of Lathander, just Est of Beregost.

    ... who doubles as the mayor of Beregost. I believe Coran has no quest ending dialogue, at least I never noticed any. Did he leave you in spite of having delivered the head with him in the party? That would most likely be a bug.
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