Grey bags

If I remember correctly, the backpacks are supposed to be brown colored when not full, and grey when they are from the previous BGs right? So why is it that in the BG EE the bags are ALL default grey? Don't get it. It's been bothering me, minor though it is.
As has the fact that inventory management is still clunky, way too click intensive and time consuming (and more importantly, not fun--but I guess they didn't get a license to change that, or couldn't be bothered to spare the resources reworking the whole system).
As has the fact that inventory management is still clunky, way too click intensive and time consuming (and more importantly, not fun--but I guess they didn't get a license to change that, or couldn't be bothered to spare the resources reworking the whole system).
I did notice (after playing KOA: Reckoning) that it is a little annoying to have to click on every item that you want, and then not have a 'junk pile,' but honestly, it just made me realize that games have been moving somewhat forward. Granted, we haven't seen a story like BG for a while, but they are fixing some things. It makes me hope for even better games in the future.
In the original games, the color changed from brown to grey was useful to make us notice that the bag was full.
When you are looting a chest or many corpses, you'd like to be sure to know you can no longer fill your bag with stuff.
Since there is no really an animation showing items going to your inventory, this icon change was appropriate to tell you when it was full or not.
I always remembered the bag only being grey if all the inventory slots were filled.