Priority Bug: Crashing at launch bug. Pleading for some sort of update from a dev!

I understand that the BG:EE team isn't that big, but I just want to play this wonderful game now. I have tried every workaround mentioned on this site, I have installed the game over and over. I have tried different driver sets. I actually now believe that (and I'm sorry) it's not me... it's you. Given the fact that something is wrong for so many people on here to be having the same problem, it can't be on our end. I understand you're all probably beavering away at it for a fix, but please - can we have an update? Some sort of "We're really sorry guys, relax the issue's being thoroughly looked into, we won't leave you out to hang out to dry!"
It would make my Xmas, being able to play this game. I have waited for it for so long now!
It would make my Xmas, being able to play this game. I have waited for it for so long now!
Taken from the official announcement at the top of the first page. There's a lot of other info too.