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Locations for new NPCs

The search function on these forums leaves something to be desired :)

Anyway, was wondering where I pick up Neera and Rasaad. I know how to get Dorn, but the only thing I've been able to find on Rasaad was that his boots are more valuable than he is ><


  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    Neera - Beregost
    Rasaad - Nashkel
  • BG_ZeroBG_Zero Member Posts: 23
    Rasaad is in Naskell outside the inn and Neera I found in Beregost while I was exploring the map so I can't say for sure where she is
  • SableRhapsodySableRhapsody Member Posts: 38
    Thanks, guys!
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited December 2012
    BG_Zero said:

    ... Neera I found in Beregost while I was exploring the map so I can't say for sure where she is

    Best I can tell, Neera seems to appear randomly--location-wise--in Beregost. She approaches you on the street, wherever you happen to be.
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