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Dorn [starting level]

Trista1986Trista1986 Member Posts: 12
edited November 2013 in Not An Issue
Aren't Npc's supposed to level even when not in your party? I went back and picked up Dorn at 3rd level and he's still sitting there at 1st.
Post edited by Balquo on


  • SpaceInvaderSpaceInvader Member Posts: 2,125
    His level is determined the first time you recruit him.
  • Trista1986Trista1986 Member Posts: 12
    This is exactly what makes me thing it's a bug. I encountered him at level 2, but declined to let him join. Then when I got to level 3 went back to go get him. I only didn't recruit him because he came with 2 negative reputation which I couldn't handle at that point being only at 3 rep would cause me to lose half my party.
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