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Shadowkeeper - Official update to make it BG:EE compatible?

MansenMansen Member Posts: 82
Does anyone know if the author of the Shadowkeeper tool is aware of the new release - and if he's interested in bringing the editor up to date with the BG:EE version for official support? I haven't been able to find any contact information, but I'm guessing someone knows who they are and how to get a hold of them.

Failing that - source code? I'm sure we have a few idle hands around that could do it given the old source code.


  • csuzwcsuzw Member Posts: 48
    I don't know anything about an official update or the original author but the source code is available (not sure if it's the latest version or not though). I spent most of Sunday trying and failing to make ShadowKeeper work with BG:EE automatically with no folder copying/linking. Unfortunately while I'm pretty sure I updated the code fine, compiling it proved too difficult on my Windows 7 machine with my limited C++ skills. I detailed what I did and what I got stuck on in the post linked to below, with the hope that someone with the right setup/skill set might be able to finish it off:
  • toshirotoshiro Member Posts: 113
    It's gatekeeper that goes with Baldur's Gate, shadowkeeper never did work it work for it
  • csuzwcsuzw Member Posts: 48
    edited December 2012
    @toshiro BG:EE is based on the BG2 engine so ShadowKeeper is the correct tool to use. That said I'm not sure there is much difference between them as the ShadowKeeper source files suggest it's just a modified DaleKeeper. Perhaps the only difference is name and where it looks for default game install.
  • MansenMansen Member Posts: 82
    toshiro said:

    It's gatekeeper that goes with Baldur's Gate, shadowkeeper never did work it work for it

    BG:EE uses the BG2 engine - Similarly to BG:TUTU. So Shadowkeeper is definitely the right tool for the job.
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