The Monk

I was wondering about the appeal of the Monk in BGEE. Almost all of the monk advantages comes into effect post level cap. So basically you just get the disadvantages of the class. Or am I missing something?
- Wisdom-based bonus to AC according to 3E
- Dexterity-based bonus to hitrolls similar to what strength does
- Attaching a dagger proficiency to the monk fist weapons and allowing monks to put 5 proficiency points into daggers, so they can essentially attain grand mastery in hand to hand combat. Also, as monk fists count as 2H weapons, I also allow monks to put 2 proficiency points in 2h style, allowing them easier criticals.
At least they don't make you take a vow of silence.
'You no mess with Lo Wang!' :P
Wait. Wait wait. Wait wait WAIT.
The monk received as an ability at first level, the ability to adopt one of three stances: "Iron Fist" (two-handed style), "Flurry of Blows" (Two Weapon Style), and "Empty Hand" (Single Weapon Style).
Get rid of the Flurry of Blows ability as it is, and just make it so the monk's fist can be used as a single, two-handed, or double weapon--gaining bonus damage, bonus AC, or bonus attacks as appropriate. That would also allow the monk to benefit from the various fighting styles, which you could then allow him to take multiple proficiency points for.
Monks start slow because they finish fast, like Mages. I don't have a problem with how low level Monks are implemented.
For non-power gamers and those who enjoy the roleplaying & PnP aspect of BG, check out my thread on Monk refreshing.
And at high levels, the monk is so powerful that he makes most equipment just plain obsolete.
It wouldn't be difficult. For Flurry of Blows, You'd just equip an off-hand single fist weapon with the same effects as the main-hand single fist, and let the two-weapon penalties apply as normal. For the iron fist, just equip the two-handed fist weapon that already exists. For the empty hand, just place a single fist in the main hand slot and equip it.
In fact, what I would say is that the monk should receive a free pip in all three fight styles (since fighting styles is kind of his thing, even if he currently doesn't have it), which would make the ability actually beneficial right from level 1, without being so powerful as to dominate the battlefield. You can limit the class to just a single pip at first level so that it feels like a progression over time as they put more pips in each style, which would also help to keep it balanced.
It simplifies the class using existing mechanics and levels out the monk's progression.
then u actually get some kind of Flurry of blows feat like 3E if u invest up to 5 plus more
(damn easy..why did i spend time modified monk remix's flurry of blows in BGT, when i need is to change few column values..)
and with 2 handed weapon style.. u get the similar 3e crit range..
I would say that boost monk class a lot
@junk11 Not quite that easy, monks don't get extra attacks for proficiency as they aren't fighters (but they do get increased hand to hand attacks). Unless that too was externalized I think we'd need a ToB-like exe alteration to enable it.
1 - The way people play
2- Overpowered items
3- People don't know what Monks are
4- D&D isn't just about combat.
1) When you min/max other characters and metagame to get perfect combinations of weapon proficiencies and combat styles, yes the Monk falls behind because it doesn't have that. Monks are on the same THAC0 table as Fighters. If you play the game without min/maxing or putting 18 in all your primary stats for other classes, Monks are not that much weaker. So before you guys complain about Monks, look at yourself and how you're playing.
2) Other classes do receive very good weapons and armor which further adds insult to injury. That's not a Monk problem, it's 'overpowered other classes' problem.
3) Monks are not fighters or rangers or other high damage classes. They are a warrior priest. They have combat capability between a priest and warrior. They start weak but eventually train to become a 'perfect self' and eventually become powerful.
4) D&D has combat, but it's not the only consideration when classes are designed.The focus here is on role playing, not what works best in combat.
If Overhaul revamped Monks to put them on par against other classes, they would be drastically individually overpowered.
I'll let you know what I find out.
That sounds contradictory to me.
You think a Fighter is overpowered because of his ability to wear armor and focus on certain weapons?
Do I not play the intended way if I roll a Str 18 Fighter and use the same weapon as a specialize in?
ah true, forgot about that...o well.. if i really want to do it, i can just add attack per round effects on fist item..
o well..but monk isn't that hard to play at low level in bgee, with less monster spawn at low level in BGEE
i don't really use range weapon for my monk all the time like i used to in BGT
I can carry katana just fine, still can use stunning fist with melee weapon anyway in BG
it's indeed a difficult path to master fist...,
but before you know how to use your body as weapon, you need learn what is and how to swing a weapon...
o wait...or is it other way around..?
One more thing--if you don't think the monk should be rebalanced, why on earth did you create a feature request calling for numerous elements of the class to be reworked, rebalanced, or changed?
I do not think that it is good idea to give the monk the possibility to use a weapon in the left hand while he is using his unarmed attack.
I'd suggest this in lieu of the current Flurry of Blows ability, since two-weapon style AND flurry would be more than a little overpowered.
the fists specialization sounds promising