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Play NPCs soundbyte as soon as you click on them.

In BG1, NPCs spoke their lines as soon as you clicked on them, or when they walked towards you with the intention of starting dialog. In BG2, they spoke only after the dialogue box appeared. BG:EE currently uses the BG2 behaviour, and I would love it if the BG1 behaviour was used instead.


  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    The frequency that NPCs say thier lines can be adjusted in the feedback menu under options.
  • KirkorKirkor Member Posts: 700
    @ajwz OP is talking about NPC, who are not in our team.

    Right now they talk, when the dialog box appear
    In Vanilla BG1 they talked when you clicked on them or when they see you and want to talk with you.
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