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Gauntlets of Ogre Power unusable for Wild Mage

HickleStineHickleStine Member Posts: 1
edited January 2013 in Not An Issue
Can someone explain to me if this is a bug or a feature? I'm almost done with my Wild Mage solo run, thought I'd pick up the gauntlets, but alas:

Not usable by:
Wild Mage
Wild Mage/Thief
Wizard Slayer

Expected behaviour is that I should be able to use them, I suppose.

This doesn't impact my playthrough too much but I am very confused about why wild mages are singled out here...any ideas?
Post edited by Jalily on


  • gesellegeselle Member Posts: 325
    This is a display bug, where instead of the mage class, kits are displayed, If you have Edwin/Xzar/Dynaheir etc. in your team you can see their specialist kits displayed instead of mage. And mages being unable to wear those gauntlets is obviously intended.
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