No racial thieving bonuses?

Is it a bug that my halfling thief is not getting any bonuses to her thiving skills or am I missing something?
The bonus from dexterity is there but nothing else.
Also the bounty hunter kit doesn't seem to get the +15 set traps either.
The bonus from dexterity is there but nothing else.
Also the bounty hunter kit doesn't seem to get the +15 set traps either.
EDIT: Besides I don't mind pissing off the worlds elf/halfling/whatever population over this issue.'s_Gate:_Classes_and_Kits#Thief_Kits
Have you reported it as a bug, as the racial thieving bonuses ought definitely to be there?
Just tested it out. Made a human and a gnome thief, both with 18 dexterity. I dumped all points into pick pockets. The gnome has 5 to 10 more points in just about everything, as listed on the PIH link already provided by @jflieder.
AKA: I bet you're getting them and you don't even realize it. They still exist.
But the bounty hunter bonus is still missing, I'll report that as a bug.
Halfelves and elves have 15 total, and humans and half-orcs get none.
Also very high dex also starts to grant a few ranks to some skills.
Racial and Dex mods affect your starting base amounts you see at creation.
The class skill bonuses only shows up in game proper, not during creation.
They really should list the skills additions for each race in the character greator