Most good or evil recruitable characters have a "breaking point" at which they'll leave your party depending on your reputation. For Xzar/Montaron, as well as other evil companions, I believe this is above 18. So if you keep your reputation at say 17, they'll complain but not leave.
Certain companions tend to not get along though and even attack each other; these two do not get along with Khalid/Jaheira. A high charisma can prevent this for quite long, but there is an element of randomness to it too.
It's a good idea to include them at first, untill you can replace them. They are going to leave you anyhow if your reputation climbs too high. And even if it doesn't, they will complain a lot, which i found very annoying.
If the player character/leader's charisma is too low, they may start a fight with Khalid and Jaheira (and i mean the lethal kind of fight). Same goes if you include Minsc and Edwin in the party at the same time, and, i'm told (by kilroy_was_here in another thread), branwen and some other character.
Had a big bust up between Xzar + Montaron vs Khalid and Jaheira. I let them have it out and it did not go too well for the dark side. If your reputation gets too high then problems will happen, I think 16-18 is where it becomes a problem for bad npc's.
Also one last question, when do you get the option to duel class? I've gone pure thief but after reading on here it's a bad idea... I take it when I duel class (I'm Human), I can mix it up with a figher or something to make my char more effective?
You may dual class at any level after 2nd (I believe) but you must have at least a 17 in the prime stat of the class you are going to dual into. So, if you want to dual into fighter, you need 17 strength. Note though that you wont progress any further in your thief skills once you have dual classed to fighter.
You can start dual classing from lvl2. But if your inexperienced in AD&D rules your probably better off playing as a multi class fighter/thief or pure classes, because dual classing requires a lot of pre planning and knowgaladge of the rules.
You can start dual classing from lvl2. But if your inexperienced in AD&D rules your probably better off playing as a multi class fighter/thief or pure classes, because dual classing requires a lot of pre planning and knowgaladge of the rules.
What szb said.
Also, just because people on here say something is a bad idea, does not make it so. Playing a pure thief is perfectly viable unless you're a min-maxer that are all about having the highest numbers and "best" build.
Also one last question, when do you get the option to duel class? I've gone pure thief but after reading on here it's a bad idea... I take it when I duel class (I'm Human), I can mix it up with a figher or something to make my char more effective?
I would recommend rerolling. Either for the Fighter/Thief multi-class that folks talked about or picking a Thief Kit. I took my Thief back when BG2 came out all the way through ToB and at epic levels, we get some amazing stuff like Use Any Item. He was a monster.
If you know what I mean...
Certain companions tend to not get along though and even attack each other; these two do not get along with Khalid/Jaheira. A high charisma can prevent this for quite long, but there is an element of randomness to it too.
Also, just because people on here say something is a bad idea, does not make it so. Playing a pure thief is perfectly viable unless you're a min-maxer that are all about having the highest numbers and "best" build.