SO, hows the game going?
i loved the org BG series. played them all, but didnt like NW set as much.
Ive judged every game since then to BG and cant wait to start playing the enhanced edition.
how are things going so far? how does everyone like it? it seems liek there are a few bugs, but that can be expected right.
im thinking of playing on the ipad but im afraid game play would be limited (more app-like) than what a full PC or MAC version could run.
Ive judged every game since then to BG and cant wait to start playing the enhanced edition.
how are things going so far? how does everyone like it? it seems liek there are a few bugs, but that can be expected right.
im thinking of playing on the ipad but im afraid game play would be limited (more app-like) than what a full PC or MAC version could run.
Bugs seem most prevalent on Intel graphics, which suck and cause problems for many games.
From what I've seen, AMD/ATI platforms are the least buggy.
The three new NPC's are overall underwhelming. Dorn is quite powerful, Rasaad is pretty useless and Neera likes to melt all your gold, summon in hostile demons, and fireball your own team. That said, Rasaad and Dorn have pretty cool backstories and personalities. I'm not a big fan of Neera mostly because her voice acting sucks.
There are quite a few bugs, some of them making the game unplayable for a lot of folks. The Greastest RPG of All Time: With Enhanced Bugs is what I believe they're changing the main page to say... don't quote me on that though.
I can't comment on it for tablets, as I have it for PC.
If they keep their promises and iron out all of the mistakes, this would be a recommendable version of the game (because really, they have also introduced improvements alongside all the bugs). If they add worthwile content (more portraits, new companions, items, areas, adventure and a female Miniature Giant Space Hamster as a companion for Boo), I believe it might even inherit Baldur's Gate's throne.
At the moment, it's still more of a sort of unfortunately-he-was-born-first heir, whose mother the Queen hopes the private tutoring will make him a respectable successor someday. Note, however, that there are courtiers that like him and would applaud his coronation
-i recall that with the first BG series you had a tremendous amount of control over the other players in the party. in NWN if i recall correctly, the other players where sort of on their own program. there was something i didnt like about NWN. its been so long i dont remember what it was.