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Exporting Character Biographies

Never understood why in any of the infinity engine games, character biographies couldn't be exported outside the game -- Or do I just not know how to do it? I think it'd be cool when you export your character sheet as a text record (like you can do in IWD) that it would include your biography. Just a thought. It looks like biography text in BG:EE is selectable, but cannot be cut/pasted, so that doesn't solve it.


  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,316
    edited December 2012
    I wish it could be cut/pasted :(

    Here I went and wrote up a bio for a future multiplayer character thinking it would not be an issue, but it looks like for the moment I'll have to copy/write it up again in game.

    But you are right character biography exporting would be a nice feature to add.
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