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Dispel Magic

At about 4/5 of the game, dispel magic has never worked.
Maybe I've been unlucky...or is it a bug?


  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438
    Well from what I remember the probability of dispel working decreases pretty quickly for every level that the originial caster is above the caster doing the dispelling, and I think a lot of the casters in BG tend to be at higher levels than your party, so it is entirely possible that it's working properly. I don't know how you could confim either way though.
  • NymMoondownNymMoondown Member Posts: 220
    Uhm, but in BG1/BG2 it works often (or so I remember XD).
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  • alveusalveus Member Posts: 6
    Yeah, this happens to me too. I've just assumed that I was super unlucky in combat, because the dispel effects work perfectly fine on the buffs I've cast on my own party.
  • NymMoondownNymMoondown Member Posts: 220
    Ok, if not bugged this spell has become totally useless...:(((
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  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,044
    It appears that Dispel Magic, at least the cleric version, is set to use caster level as the basis for the probability to dispel; that probability equals 50% + (caster level - level trying to be dispelled) so if your level is 7 and the opposing caster is 9th you have a 40% chance to dispel. That is how the spell is *supposed* to work but it used to be set to dispel magic regardless of level.
  • NymMoondownNymMoondown Member Posts: 220
    After ending the game twice, I can say 've seen it dispel something maybe 3-4 time in total (I've played with 3 full wizards (Imoen reach 9 level as well) and 1 full cleric.
    The spell works as in PnP?
    I've only played 3.X PnP, so I don't know previus editions.
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