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Any way to finish the game drunk?

(Well, you the player as well, but I'm mostly talking about the character.).

I was thinking about new things to do, and thought about the nice idea to play an alcoholic character who had to finish the whole game intoxicated. But sadly, that doesn't seem to be possible since intoxication wears off too fast. You can't travel to certain locations without becoming sober, and there isn't a decent pub in all of cloakwood.

Then I realized, there is Wine! Sweet, sweet wine. In Beregost, guarded by spiders. So I went there with my current character to see if that worked. But, darn it, it can't be drunk! Wasn't it possible to get drunk on that bottle of wine in the original game? If it was, this is a serious bug! Well, maybe it wuldn't be possible to finish the game drunk anyway, since the wine probably isn't enough for e.g. cloakwood. Am I missing some alcoholic resource here? Is there e.g. a wild mage effect that turns you drunk?

If that were to work, the challenge would look something like this:
Rule: you have to stay drunk. The only time you may not be drunk is when you have just woken up severely hung over in a tavern, ready for your breakfast brew. Exceptions for situations when it is actually impossible, like just after leaving candlekeep for the first time (or is it actually possible there? Hmm...don't think I ever tried). This will mean there are some places you can not go to, since they don't serve beer there. Once you get to Baldur's Gate, things should be real easy, since it reeks of corruption.

Anyway, I think the optimal build for the drunken challenge is this:
Probably Dwarf, they are notorious drunkards. Maybe Thief/x, since you might have to move fast sometimes to get back to the tavern in time. You should probably have a low constitution score, to make sure your tolerance for alcohol is low. Might be nessecary if the wine actually could work.


  • GygaxianProseGygaxianProse Member Posts: 201
  • IkMarcIkMarc Member Posts: 552
    There must be an item that makes you drunk right? Then you can put it in with shadowkeeper or near infinity. Otherwise you'd better start modding.
  • Tie_FighterTie_Fighter Member Posts: 41
    Yeah, I thought the wine would work. There is beer in BGII, so if you can cheat that in it would work, I suppose. But it isn't much fun if you have to cheat...
  • MechaliburMechalibur Member Posts: 265
    Or you could just get drunk yourself whenever you play and see how that increases the game's difficulty :P

    I'd recommend playing a wild mage.
  • Tie_FighterTie_Fighter Member Posts: 41
    Yes, but that's another challenge...maybe drunk yourself + no reloads? :)
  • CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
    edited December 2012
    De'Tranion's Baalor Ale perhaps? It's a quest item you give to the Merchant League ship captian so you can steal his charts.

    I think it's drinkable. Also brewed with pimentos for that extra kick.
  • waardeniuswaardenius Member Posts: 58
    edited December 2012
    There should actually be ale available somewhere in the city of Baldur's Gate, one guy asks you to get it for him in that merchant compound where you steal the sea charts.

    I can't remember from where and whether it's just the one item, though.
  • Tie_FighterTie_Fighter Member Posts: 41
    Yeah...sadly, you´d need it before Baldur's gate though. A li'l level one character won't dare enter the Nashkel Mines without a heartening drink.

    Man, I really thought I had such a good idea with the beregost wine. But no, i don't think it ever made you intoxicated. Bah.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    In practice, couldn't you duplicate this idea by gimping your ability scores, because that's all the drunk state does?
  • GygaxianProseGygaxianProse Member Posts: 201
    Drunken Kensai, Crouching Party
  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    There's also a bottle of wine you can get in Durlag's Tower, though I have a feeling that it won't get you drunk either.
  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    Funny you should mention this. I have no intention of playing with my character drunk IN GAME, but come winter break my little brother and I intend to play through BGEE multiplayer... and since he's never actually played BG, as a handicap I've vowed to play completely hammered. Should be an interesting experience for both of us.
  • Tie_FighterTie_Fighter Member Posts: 41
    Sounds like fun. I suppose you can always try to play as hammered as you can get both ingame and in real life.

    On the Durlag's Tower Wine - yeah, I think it is the same...sadly. Very sadly.
  • SuiboonSuiboon Member Posts: 86
    DLC that lets you buy booze into your inventory. Only $4.99. Order now and get 5 bottles FREE.
  • Eddie_KaspbrakEddie_Kaspbrak Member Posts: 29
    There's a dodgy salesman in the area west of Nashkel that sells a 'potion of health' that actually curses the drinker with inebriation.. Multiple copies of that?
  • AbelAbel Member Posts: 785
    Yeah, t'would be easy to mod that!
  • Tie_FighterTie_Fighter Member Posts: 41

    There's a dodgy salesman in the area west of Nashkel that sells a 'potion of health' that actually curses the drinker with inebriation.. Multiple copies of that?

    Ingenious! Not sure how to get multiple copies though...would be great if it could be done without cheating. That is what is challenging, after all. Well, that and being wasted whilst fending of evil wizards, horrible monsters and what have you.
  • MedullaOblongataMedullaOblongata Member Posts: 434
    You guys can go to any inn and order drinks while listening for rumors :P
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited December 2012
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • hzfhzf Member Posts: 70

    There's a dodgy salesman in the area west of Nashkel that sells a 'potion of health' that actually curses the drinker with inebriation.. Multiple copies of that?

    Is that the red coloured healing potion? There are a few of them about, I think there is one for sale in the carnival.
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