Overall I like the Game; However Making Black Pit Apart=Bad/ DON'T do similar in BG 2 Enhanced

I like the game overall- ok did crash a few times but I can not recall that occurring since the patch...also D twin Sword clown is not averse to jogging around the lake now.... I can not say I like the new portraits much though - look like impressionistic blahh as opposed tot he original airbrushes...
However- I began the Black Pitts for maybe 1 minute - and after checking up on things I realize it is NOT new content added to the game as a whole. I much rather it was not even created then. I suppose it would be a great deal of work to smoothly attach that in to the main game... regardless I am miffed that this was created for nothing. I realize some of you are RTS players... however I did not buy this game for RTS combat....
Be advised I do NOT want the game Creators to make a similar separate piece of content for BG 2 enhanced. Either do not create any thing like it or make it so it attaches to the regular campaign.
Overall though it is a fine bloody hunks of meat chopping game - but I want you all to recall there is much much more blood in a body than that and real life conflict is rather a bother when a Marine is down and screaming in agony... Cheers and hope it is all swell for you...
However- I began the Black Pitts for maybe 1 minute - and after checking up on things I realize it is NOT new content added to the game as a whole. I much rather it was not even created then. I suppose it would be a great deal of work to smoothly attach that in to the main game... regardless I am miffed that this was created for nothing. I realize some of you are RTS players... however I did not buy this game for RTS combat....
Be advised I do NOT want the game Creators to make a similar separate piece of content for BG 2 enhanced. Either do not create any thing like it or make it so it attaches to the regular campaign.
Overall though it is a fine bloody hunks of meat chopping game - but I want you all to recall there is much much more blood in a body than that and real life conflict is rather a bother when a Marine is down and screaming in agony... Cheers and hope it is all swell for you...
I am sure there is a reason why they chose this format, but it wasn't due either to contrual limitations (if the quote is accurate) or technical difficulty (because half the BG1 and BG2 mods adding content integrate that into the game without difficulty).
Also take into account that they yet to reveal 'Adventure Y' which is an adventure which supposed to be bhallspawn-story related which will be integrated with the main campaign. There is a room for everyone.
I wonder if they weren't allowed to use the existing NPCs in a completely new scenario, so they needed it to be separate so that you would need to make a completely new party. I'm sure that filthy contract is lurking there, beneath the surface somewhere.
Regardless, I like it how it is. I've been through it three times now (two times solo, once with a party) and had a lot of fun with it. I personally think the mechanics of it wouldn't meld very well into the main campaign setting as you wouldn't be able to leave until you finish it completely. Think about accidentally getting into it with just CHARNAME and Imoen - there are a lot of class combos for CHARNAME that would make it almost (if not) literally impossible to complete. So, I think it's better this way, but that's just my opinion.
Edit: Also, the balance of the main game would be completely ruined after doing it. Everyone would be at or near level cap, so if you go to it relatively early, everything else becomes an absolute breeze. Not to mention the massive amounts of magic items and gold you can quite easily stockpile if you so choose.
We can always hope and dream and to be honest I'll be surprised if the sales of this weren't awesomely high.
By adding new content separate from the game I am offered to play in fact another game which I don't want to because it's not the part of the story. It's also too short for me to make another story like for example the two parts of Ice Wind Dale.
I, of course, bought the game, just like I will buy every project that tries to revive the best game I have ever played and part of my childhood. I however beg the makers of bg2ee to make the map there a bit more crowded; it was crowded enough in BG1 even without the Black Pits, it won't be in BG2 because of the very limited number of locations. Of course, if the contract allows you to. Maybe there's way to change it a bit and add some new small town?
That's just my two cents. Carry on.
Edit: Also, devs, keep arguing about the contract! Try and get the lawyers and fools in charge of this thing to know that having this kind of crushing conditions won't help anyone at all, there's no reason for it, and it will just bind their hands from making the game as great as it could be.
Unless the contract stipulates that any major expansion to the game must come in the form of a Throne of Bhaal type expansion. Where it must be accessed externally. Either way the blame lies with whoever wrote up that horrible contract. Hopefully Wizards of the Coast will see the error of their ways and allow Overhaul some creative liabilities in the future.
Hopefully they can integrate Adventure Y into the main game but I suspect that might end up being accessed externally too.