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Cannot reach Baldurs Gate

AlterEgoAlterEgo Member Posts: 2
edited December 2012 in Not An Issue

I have set the mines of Nashkell full of water and I'm in chapter five. But I cannot go to Baldurs Gate. What's wrong?

I searched through all areas to find a way - nothing.

Thanks in advance.

Post edited by Avenger_teambg on


  • BugratBugrat Member Posts: 118
    You said Nashkel mines but I assume that is a typo and you meant Cloakwood mines. That being said, if you are done with Cloakwood you just have to go to the Bridge area above the ankheg farms (ankheg farms are 1 area above the Friendly Arm). At the bridge area, travel west across the bridge and use the transition on the west side of the map. That should get you into the city.
  • sunblazesunblaze Member Posts: 2
    It's the north map-exit from the Friendly Arm Inn, There follow the maps to the bridge
    ->cross it and enter the gate at the north end of the bridge.

    The exit at the Friendly Arm Inn only get's activated after you flood the mines. Using it before doesn't work
  • AlterEgoAlterEgo Member Posts: 2
    Thanks a lot - I went (again???) to Friendly Arm and used the Exit at the North. And now there is a new map in the North.
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