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[SPOILERS] Werewolves from TOSC

MythdraconMythdracon Member Posts: 187
So how do I remove the curse after returning from the island? I killed the treacherous mage (husband of the chief on the island), and yet whenever I rest my entire party explodes into werewolves and kills me. What gives?


  • MaconaMacona Member Posts: 70
    Email it as a bug.

    The curse is supposed to end when you kill the two Loup Garous
  • MythdraconMythdracon Member Posts: 187
    Great. How soon are they going to fix this bug? My game can't progress otherwise.
  • DeucetipherDeucetipher Member Posts: 521
    I'd change the title, btw. Werewolves in TotSC is kind of a reveal. Not really a big deal, since most everyone knows, but just in case.

    Poke around in your global variables with (recommended) shadowkeeper. You should be able to turn off the curse that way. If I had done it yet, I'd look in there myself and tell you what to change, but I'm not that far.
  • MythdraconMythdracon Member Posts: 187
    Hmmm.....I've heard of Shadowkeeper but have no idea what it does. I'll just try reloading and see if anything changes. Sigh. =|
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