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Where does Imoen go if you boot her?

I booted imoen early on, because I didn't want a party of 6 for the mines stealing all the exp, but now I need a lockpicker to go on a rampage in baragost. Where does she go if you boot her? I have sort of an encampment of npc's hanging out in nishkal, but she didn't stay for whatever reason.


  • darthchairdarthchair Member Posts: 191
    She's crying somewhere in the corner because you hurt her feelings! How could you be so insensitive? She's like your little sister. You don't boot your little sister, man!
  • ElendarElendar Member Posts: 831
    She just sits around where-ever you booted her at.
  • SethistoSethisto Member Posts: 14
    Ahh i found her sneaking around the bottom of nishkal, no clue why she moved.
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    Maybe you fought someone and she either attempted to help with the fight or fled from it?
  • VelkirVelkir Member Posts: 70
    edited December 2012
    Had a crush on Imoen when i played BG2...then i learned she was charnam esister..WHHYYYYY!!!
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