What's the weirdest bug you ever had?
I remember a long time ago, I created a Human Sorcerer in BG2 and when the game started my Sorcerer was permanently as fast as a Monk and had magic resistance. I don't know why this happened and never got to recreate it again.
What's your weirdest bug?
What's your weirdest bug?
the secret falling cow spell....?
@Cadros since it existed before BG2 and wild mages, I don't think it was created for the wild surge table, altho this is most likely that same animation that we see in BG2...
There is a great mod Wild Mage Additions that adds "Summon Cow" as a 7-level wild mage spell
[spoiler=Summon Cow]
Level: 7
Range: Visual range of caster
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Special
Upon casting this spell, a cow is summoned in the air 50-200 yards above the targeted creature. The exact height is dependent on the caster's level, and determines the damage done to the target.
Once summoned, the animal will fall down upon the target. The impact as well as the crash to the ground cause crushing damage equal to 3d10 + 1d10 for every three levels of the caster, up to a maximum total of two times 10d10 at Level 21. There is no saving throw against the physical impact, though a very lucky or agile individual may drop to the ground without taking additional damage.
If the targeted creature survives the impact, there's a chance of 10% +10% for every three experience levels of the caster, that the victim drops random equipment while falling. The maximum chance is 80% at Level 21; there is no saving throw.
Finally, the whole situation is so confusing and frightening, that the target must save against spells or flee in panic for three rounds. The saving throw starts with a modifier of +2, which is decreased by 1 for every three levels of the caster, until it reaches -5 at 21th level.
Basically, this spell is just a purposeful release of a specific wild surge. As such, there is a chance for unwanted side effects.
It is also strongly advised against using this spell in the presence of rangers or druids.[/spoiler]
Second bug: I created a male Inquisitor, after i reached the copper coronet Anomen was adressing me with Lady. Just thought for myself he is talking to Aerie. Well i continued playing until reaching Ust Natha, when I was adressed as Lady. So i checked out my PC, and whoops male portrait male appearence but Female Human. And i haven't been to watcher's keep at that point. Well Edwina got a soulmate