What would be good is some sort of slider guide - so you slide 'fighter' to 6 and then see what else you can be. Sadly I don't have the knowhow to do that.
What would be good is some sort of slider guide - so you slide 'fighter' to 6 and then see what else you can be. Sadly I don't have the knowhow to do that.
I made this just for a break, I typed it in really quickly so there may be potential for errors, if so let me know! Enjoy http://play-creator.com/bg_dual.asp
This is why one of the first things I do with a BG game is remove the experience cap and tweak it so multi-classers can have Grand Mastery. Dual-classing or Single Classing is way too powerful otherwise.
This is why one of the first things I do with a BG game is remove the experience cap and tweak it so multi-classers can have Grand Mastery. Dual-classing or Single Classing is way too powerful otherwise.
Well, it's break d&d balance. As a DM i'm very negative to such changes:)
This is why one of the first things I do with a BG game is remove the experience cap and tweak it so multi-classers can have Grand Mastery. Dual-classing or Single Classing is way too powerful otherwise.
Well, it's break d&d balance. As a DM i'm very negative to such changes:)
'D&D balance' is an oxymoron in every edition but especially second and prior. By the time you're in TOB if you're a multi-class, especially if one of those classes is fighter, you might as well not turn up to the final battle because you won't be hitting anything.
I went fighter level 9 at black pits, hit 250k exp then dual classed as a level 1 druid. However, I stopped gaining exp after dual classing. Experience points remain zero after quests, kills etc.
If I revert and continue as a fighter, I can gain up till 500k exp(level 10).
Here is a lvl\exp progression, can calculate the rest yourself:) Fighter\druid should be around 7/8
Level Fighter Druid
1 0 0
2 2,000 2,000
3 4,000 4,000
4 8,000 7,500
5 16,000 12,500
6 32,000 20,000
7 64,000 35,000
8 125,000 60,000
9 250,000 90,000
For dual, i would recomend fighter 6\druid 10. Will be 32+125=157
If I revert and continue as a fighter, I can gain up till 500k exp(level 10).
Is this a bug?
Googled, and searched, nothing similar turned up.