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Answer me please!

I just killed Saverok without doing anything from ToSC, cause i thought i should do this later, being that a "expansion"....
Now i realized the game ended after killing him...saying something like "created final save to import"
Will i be able to import my character if a keep playing/doing quests after killed him?
or should i load the game before killing him, do all that and then come back to kill him?
i fear everything i do from now on wont be able to be imported to future games...



  • sandmanCCLsandmanCCL Member Posts: 1,389
    Load your last save before entering the zone to kill him and go finish adventuring to your heart's content.
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    The "final import save" is intended to be used in BG2:EE and isn't actually terribly important, at least it wasn't for the original BG2. You can export your character at any time from the Character Record screen and just use that file.
  • DaelricDaelric Member Posts: 266
    Yeah, it's a shame that you can't keep playing after you kill Sarevok... wonder why?
  • RafaelRafael Member Posts: 26

    Yeah, it's a shame that you can't keep playing after you kill Sarevok... wonder why?

    Actually i can still play after killed him
    but i dont know if anything i do from now on will be importable

    The "final import save" is intended to be used in BG2:EE and isn't actually terribly important, at least it wasn't for the original BG2. You can export your character at any time from the Character Record screen and just use that file.

    Thinking that way i could keep playing and will be ablee to import, right?
    i tried to create a new char, and as i see i can import mu char from any saved game
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447

    The purpose of the "final save" is so that if you quit the game, you will have everything imported directly from the moment you killed Sarevok into BG2 (whereupon you lose it all, more or less). But you can import any saved game or exported character into BG2, so if the game's letting you play, I say keep playing!
  • RafaelRafael Member Posts: 26
    Well, i guess i will just keep playing then, since my characters didnt even reach cap lvl
    and i dont want to have to kill saverok again, i had i hard
    i really aprecciate the help, thanks guys
    btw, one more question: should i give all tomes to my main character?
    as i've read the tomes given to NPCs wont change theirs stats in BG2
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    Most likely using the tomes on the companions will not carry over into BG2. So using them yourself is probably a good idea.
  • PugPugPugPug Member Posts: 560
    In BG2 the returning characters have improved stats anyway. And no, the tomes wouldn't carry over.

    Can you even travel to the TOTSC quest before killing Sarevok? I know you can get to Durlag's Tower...

    If you import an exported character instead of a saved game into BG2, the items your party is carrying won't be imported. The imported items aren't given to you at the start, but they have a chance to show up elsewhere in the game.

    The idea, I guess, is that your loot was sold off in Amn, so you might get lucky and kill whomever bought something of yours. Kind of a cool feature.

    In the case of the Ring of Invisibility, this is actually the only way to get one, even though it is needed in a crafting recipe in TOB. And I'm not even sure it shows up then; I haven't tried it. I just know it doesn't drop anywhere in BG2 or TOB. Kind of a weird oversight.
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