No Greenstone Ring

Another user previously posted this problem, but it was dismissed by the mods for some reason. But I'm seeing the same problem.
Joesph's Greenstone ring, nor his body, are not present at the start of the third level of the mines. The nearest thing that can be selected is the three mine carts, and they don't have it.
I'm scouring all over the start of the third level and there is no ring, or body. I'm running the BGEE local install (as I didn't feel like installing yet another stupid game client just to play one game).
I'm hitting tab, I'm moving the mouse all over, nothing.
Also note that I had made it into the mines before heading back and getting the quest.
Ctrl-X doesn't do anything, so I can't find the specific spot I should look.
Not a game breaker by any means, but definitely annoying.
Joesph's Greenstone ring, nor his body, are not present at the start of the third level of the mines. The nearest thing that can be selected is the three mine carts, and they don't have it.
I'm scouring all over the start of the third level and there is no ring, or body. I'm running the BGEE local install (as I didn't feel like installing yet another stupid game client just to play one game).
I'm hitting tab, I'm moving the mouse all over, nothing.
Also note that I had made it into the mines before heading back and getting the quest.
Ctrl-X doesn't do anything, so I can't find the specific spot I should look.
Not a game breaker by any means, but definitely annoying.
Post edited by Coriander on
"Program Options","Debug Mode",1
See the forum how to do this exactly.
I then tried to load a save when I was in the mines but before completing them and then the ring that I had forgotten was still there.
Now I saw a response in the other thread that sounds plausible at least in my case
"Maybe you have rested in the mines too much.
If you rest for long, items on the ground disappear. So this could happen."
I guess that explanation would make sense since I came back quite a while later to get the ring...
It isn't a really important quest, so the ring was probably not flagged as 'critical'.
Flagging too many items might cause problems when you want to sell them instead of turning them in.
I don't know why this is flagged as not an issue. It breaks a quest and could easily be fixed by placing that ring into a nearby container, like it is, if I remember correctly, in regular Baldur's Gate.
Is console command for getting that ring.
Its possible - probable even - that I missed it the first time I got to that level, and as long as it doesn't run the chance of disappearing before I get to the level, and it is WAD, then that is fine.