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First Mod! Play Drizzt!

AbelAbel Member Posts: 785
edited December 2012 in General Modding
Did you ever wonder what it would be like to have Drizzt at your side? It's now possible and you can even use it as your main character!

What you have to do first is to download this file.
Then extract the bmp files to your portraits folder and the chr file to your characters folder in « C:\Documents and Settings\...\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition ». Replace your dialog.tlk file by the one I provided in « ...\Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition\Data\00766\lang\en_US ». Put the other files in your override folder: « ...\Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition\Data\00766\override ».
In case these folders do not exist, just create them.

Now the explanations.
My source was the original Drizzt you can fight. I didn't change anything but what was necessary for you to play it. For example, Drizzt has an AC of -10 and 9/2 base attacks. This wasn't changed. But Drizzt had a class labelled as « Innocent » and I had to change this so you could notably access quick weapons. Likewise I changed his weapon proficiencies. Basically he has Grand Mastery in all weapons so I just applied this to the BG:EE proficiencies.

Another modification I made was to its main weapon. Actually, Drizzt isn't using Icingdeath or Twinkle either. He uses a special longsword + 5 which deals additional 12 damage if target fails a Save vs. Death at +4.
But the weapon wouldn't work with Charname because I believe it lacked icons. So I gave it some and added description (dialog.tlk).

But everything isn't perfect. Drizzt uses the Drizzt animation. But this animation is far from complete and using certain weapons just crash the game. I guess it's because this animation has no particular animation to work with these weapons. So, unfortunately you're pretty limited right now.
Another thing is that there's no character showing on the inventory screen.
I would like to look at the animation and try to modify it aswell to correct this.

Lastly, Drizzt has his own sounds set. But selecting it as a main character, you'll be forced to override some of these sounds. The only workout I've found so far would be to recruit it like a NPC.
This is why I provided a cre file. You can use the CLUA console to spawn it and recruit it via CTRL+Q.

Next should be Elminster if people like the idea.

I'll answer any questions/remarks tomorrow *yawn* !
Post edited by Tanthalas on


  • AbelAbel Member Posts: 785
    edited December 2012
    So, a little update with Drizzt custom sound set. Again it's from the original. Some events have no sound because I couldn't find a relevant one.
    Add the wav files to « ...\Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition\Data\00766\lang\en_US\sounds » and the new 2da file to your override folder.
    The link to download the files has changed as well.

    Oh, and I made some minor modifications to the cre and chr files (Ranger spells). The dialog.tlk is also updated.
  • marfigmarfig Member Posts: 208
    @Abel, many thanks for working on the first mod to BGEE, even though it's very unlikely I will ever use it :)
  • AbelAbel Member Posts: 785
    @marfig Hehe well, it may not be the first mod but it's my first at least ;) ! Thanks for your thanks.
  • ChowChow Member Posts: 1,192
    Even though I probably won't ever use this mod, I have to commend you for breaking new ground amongst the modders. Pioneers like you are always needed in any field of science or exploration or gaming, if we are to have progress.

    Congratulations. May many follow your footsteps.
  • GruloGrulo Member Posts: 109
    Gratz on your first mod!

    If only Drizzt had his official stats and attacks... but the way he is in this mod seems WAY OP and therefore i probly wont be using it. But keep it up!
  • AbelAbel Member Posts: 785
    @Chow Thanks a lot! But this is undeserved! I wouldn't really call myself a modder for this. DLTCEP did it all.
    @Grulo Yes, you're right, he's imbalanced. My purpose really was to stick to the original.
    It's also because I believe you can easily modify his characteristics via Shadowkeeper.
    But I can make an « official » Drizzt if people want it. It's just that I didn't add any story, dialog or anything in that taste that could make him interesting then.
  • Raistlin82Raistlin82 Member Posts: 256
    If you manage to make a version that doesn't crash the game, or generally bug-less, I'll use it for sure in my "mod-heavy" run.
    Same for Elminster.
  • AbelAbel Member Posts: 785
    edited December 2012
    @Raistlin82 Well this version runs fine as long as you don't use certain weapons. It's not polished though. As I said it could use some added animations, even maybe some dialogues. And of course, it would need a proper installer.
  • ChowChow Member Posts: 1,192
    Nah, Dorn has the same reaction with any sort of PC.
  • AbelAbel Member Posts: 785
    @Chow Ah, you're right, my mistake! I'll remove this then.
  • DarkcloudDarkcloud Member Posts: 302
    NPCs are almost all very buggy if you add them to your party ( there is a cheat key combination to add anyone to your party). Elminster and Gorion are also very buggy.
  • AbelAbel Member Posts: 785
    @Darkcloud Yes, hence the need to modify them a bit so they're playable :) !
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